Hands & Holes: redux?

It occurs to me that men don’t particularly like women.

Now obviously men like the things women provide, see:  sex and services, each of which and all can be contracted for, legal or no.

It’s as if the (un)fairer sex is a burden to be borne and endured rather than enjoyed.

Seems the feeling is mutual, tho’.

Recently heard a young(ish) woman refer to a husband as “that idiot man-child.”

Which fits, depending on circumstances.

And truthfully, women only “love” men to the extent those men provide and protect … failure to do either of those?  On to the next. 

Mike Tyson (whooda thunk that guy would turn out to be a genius?  So sad about his daughter, and his son for being the one to find her … true tragic) gave it to men straight sans chaser:  “The only woman who will ever love you unconditionally is your mother …  every other woman has conditions.”  Or something similar.

Battle of the sexes, indeed.

Wonder if that whole disobedience to GOD has something to do with it … hear me out (or not).

The Bible tells us that just prior to being cast out of the Garden, Adam was given dominion over Eve, and her lot was to suffer and bear children.  {Genesis 3:16}

Which methinks is the basis of the anti-choice ideology, a deep-seated and fundamental hatred of women.  If not for her, Adam would have dwelled in the Garden for good.

But … would he have been lonely?  And would Eve had gone hot girl summer with the sons of GOD, and made an even worse mess of herself?  Nephalim, nephalim, everywhere. 

Questions … so many questions. 

BUT but … GOD knew Eve (and Adam) were going to be disobedient, that’s what free will is for, and likely why HE placed the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden in the first place.

Maybe.  Anyway …

Texas is busy trying to ban the First Amendment and break the internet, make it a crime/bounty to allow information about abortion to cross into the state via the electronic ether … websites and such that provide the deets would be subject to … lawsuits?  Prosecution?  Burning at the stake?

This is such fun. 

Again, the entire anti-choice mantra is really a basic hatred of women, punish ‘em with childbirth, and no one seems bothered by that.

AND and, a Dallas couple – Ice Cream People All – opted for a home birth with a midwife, the baby got/caught jaundice, took the newborn to the baby doc, the baby doc then called CPS, who took the child from the couple, police arrested the dad, and now the newborn girl has some sort of ladybits infection that’s not being treated by the foster family … and the newborn girl was stolen from her parents for an accused lack of care.

OH, oh, and the baby girl doesn’t have a birth certificate because she was a home birth.

OH oh, and the cops had the name of a neighbor on the arrest warrant/legal kidnapping docs, who did have a record with CPS, so seems the ahthoritays are confused. Lovely.

Last days anyone?  Anyone?  Yes certainly seems so.  JESUS?!?   I think we’re ready.  No?  Not yet?  Really?  Well OK.  Patience is a virtue. 

Had this been a member of the horsemen (more on that another time) highly unlikely events would have progressed as they have.  But it is not, so it has, and they’re there, worried about their baby. 

How damaged will she be, when/if(?) she is returned to her family. Sigh.

The world is uglier, and getting more coyote by the day.