Chink (Thass Ray-sssisss!!) in the Plot Armor

No it’s not.

Just like “niggling.”  English is a funny, funny language, and terms that might be offensive in one context ain’t so much so in another.

Like “nip.”  Used as a derogatory term of one of Khan’s Kids, but can also mean a little sip of something, typically liquor. 

Anyhoo, was watching the greatest actor of all time – thank you, Keanu Reeves – warring against another great Dennis Hopper in Speed, and I realized the final battle scene made no sense.

The news would have reported the bus blowing up so no actual need for the “But I’m taller” line.  Great line, BTW, speaks truth to power.  A guy can be a complete dumbahh but as long as he’s tall, relatively well-built, all is forgiven.

What?  Yeh. 

Not to mention M. Night Shyamalan’s rather consistent plot abysses (abysi?) … The Village (use the world to keep the world out) and Signs (aliens sensitive to water invade a planet covered in water … dumb ET).

Loved “Training Day” but why would Alonzo crash his car at the end, when he could have just driven off?

Watched a little romp (heh) called It Follows, fairly stupid but it had its moments but why oh why didn’t the … evil entity? just follow the fornicators (‘cuz thass what they were) in their sleep?  Easy enough.  And why oh why did the … evil entity? wear clothes that were invisible ‘cuz it was invisible (except to the followed) but the sheet signaled its location in the pool and bullets worked the third time under the water but not the first at the beach or the second at the side of the pool?  And what was the deal with the guy’s mom?  That was just gross. 

And why does Marty McFly’s family live in the exact same house, albeit updated, after his father has become a successful author?  Wouldn’t they have moved/resided in better digs?

Before The Slap, Mr. Pinkett-Smith was considered the Mayor of Hollywood, and one of his biggest was “Independence Day.”  Now, I love me some Jeff Goldblum ( is still one of the best commercials out there – change my mind) but not sure how he knew that human tech and alien tech would essentially be plug ‘n play to deliver a hacker virus.  Just saying …

The rest of the Matrix – OK, see, Neo is the one (hi Keanu!  So glad you came / Mr. Pinkett-Smith would have ruined the movie / too much personality) and he apparently broke the matrix in the first movie so why/how come/what did the Merovingian do to transport Neo so far from where he needed to be?  And what was the deal with the KeyMaster? Wouldn’t that have been Neo?  I mean, Morpheus’ whole deal was to find the One and tear down the Matrix and free humanity from the techno-chains of human farms, so … what?  Now, the freeway scene was the AWEsome-nessessness truly but –and hear me out / or not – what about showing what the Nebuchadnezzer and its crew, or the residents of Zion, were doing to find the One, prior to finding the One?  That might be interesting.

Or not.  Just random thoughts re the debt owed to the movie audience.  But they gots the money, so …

Matters not?  Wrong. 

Filmmakers owe a duty to filmgoers to make it make sense.  Otherwise, could stay home and save the $62.

Otherwise, ChatGPT could just write the darn thing, might do a better job.

What was that strike all about, again?