Whatever Happened to Greatness?

Dating myself …
(BTW, carbon dating is not accurate beyond about 3,000 years, according to the guy who pioneered the concept, just saying) …

… but the greatest TV show of all time is/was MTV’s “Scarred.”

Sorry, but the suffering of others was the absolute height of amusement.  And only because they did it to themselves.  And why was it all young (horse)men?

Rumor has it that the host, some rocker guy/kid from some band, was on tour so the show went on hiatus until he got back.

I call bullspit. 

How many hosts on Family Feud?  Jeopardy?  Price is Right?

Now, granted … those are all game shows and the originals got all elderly and/or dead.  But still.

Methinks that if a program is popular it will make money (á la ad revenue) because folks are watching, and more eyeballs means more $$$. 

Just look at the Tubes of You.

I remember in those dim, dark, dank days of the innernets when you could watch a video sans ads … now, not so much.  Unless it’s biblical.  Then, yah.  Capitalism wants little to do with that.

My theory?  Spiritual wickedness in high places [Ephesians 6:12} did not like their younglings being mocked and ridiculed, and demanded the show be … hiatused into oblivion.

And methinks that’s what a lot of folks don’t get … it ain’t all about the Benjamins, but perception.
Maintaining the … façade … the veneer … the verisimilitude (yaaaaassss!) of superiority, even if the fact is fiction.

What am I saying?  Is there a point?  Not really, just that “Scarred” was excellent TV, true idiot box, and wish it would return.  Kind of like the old Jackass, and Beavis ‘n Butthead.  Johnny Knoxville is a treasure.
True classics.  Mike Judge perfected American entertainment at its finest, highest levels. 

Who needs “Friends”? Or, heaven forfend, “Frasier”? Altho’ Lileth was peak in her time.