Querulous MFs

Recently came across a new syndrome … oh, these kids today.

The “Walk Away Wife” … really?  Yes.

Apparently, women are leaving their marriages and wrecking their homes in droves because, well, reasons.

Apparently, men (as husbands) suck (but do not swallow – heh) and the women as wives are tired, done, and over the entire marital experiment.

Wait, wat?

Yes, so the article discussing this particular phenomenon went on to say that women/wives have been complaining to the men/husbands for years about the lack of support, assistance, engagement, intimacy, yadda-yadda, ad infinitum, until she finally gets tired of asking, packs her bags, and leaves the relationship.

Of course the men/husbands are the villains in all this, because, well, reasons.

No really see he isn’t listening to her complaints and he has failed to change, so she’s out.

Whelp, that sounds like a good plan.

Funnily enough tho’, many of these selfsame women are going to be complaining again in a few years that they can’t find a good man, that being a divorced single mom is hard, and wah, and wah. 

Also saw a bit of a blurb (well, helloooo tocks of the tick) regarding a wife/mother fussing about having to plan Mother’s Day for her sisters and her own mom because the men/husbands in their lives won’t do it … won’t put in the meager effort to celebrate their day of breeding.

Got some news for the ladies.  Ready?  Of course not.

Stop expecting men to be more like women. 

There, problem solved.

Men are lazy, inconsiderate, ball-scratching slobs, who will do the absolute bare minimum to get through life because all the hard jobs fall on them.

And no, raising children is not hard.  Women make it hard ‘cuz they don’t want to do it.

Feeding people is not hard.  There are stoves, microwaves, and cooktops.  No more stirring gruel in an iron pot over an open flame.  Men did that for you.  Say, “Thank you, Men.”

Grocery shopping is not hard.  The food has all been gathered, harvested, packaged and ready for pick up.  No more foraging for berries and digging in the rough for root veggies.  Gardens are even fun now, with the seeds available at the local home improvement store.  Men did that for you.  Say, “Thank you, Men.”

Laundry is not hard.  Separating the clothes into piles, placing those piles into machines, and adding liquids (or p’rhaps pods) to clean the piles of clothes in those machines as those machines do the work of the washing is not hard.  No more beating loincloths and pelts on rocks in the river and drying them in the sun (although those do smell better).  Men did that for you.  Say, “Thank you, Men.”

You don’t even have to poop outside anymore.  No more outhouses.  There’s even toilet paper.
Men did that for you.  Say, “Thank you, Men.”

Raising kids is not hard.  It takes attentive commitment, and committed attention, and after the little buggers get old enough school does most of the daily heavy lifting.

Men did that for you.  Say, “Thank you, Men.”

Admittedly, pregnancy is a drag.  Kills the sexy, bags the breasts, looses the hole, and those fourth degree tears are the stuff of nightmares.


That happens once a year, at most, if a woman is lucky, and she doesn’t even have to be pregnant if she doesn’t want to be.  See:  contraceptives.  See:  abortion.  See:  abstinence/celibacy. 

Women can avoid the whole pregnancy experience, should they so choose.
Men did that for you.  Say, “Thank you, Men.”

Not the abstinence/celibacy part, women can do that all by themselves, as well they should.  But if you’re unattractive enough men won’t even approach, so there.  Problem solved. 

Women as wives seem to want all the benefits of a man/husband, but none of the detriments. 
See:  men are lazy, inconsiderate, ball-scratching slobs who do the absolute bare minimum to get to the other side of life.

And not that that is a bad thing.

Men are expected to sacrifice their lives for women, even women they don’t even know. 

Active shooter on the premises?  Men are expected to step up and deal.

Aggressively toothed beast in the area? Men are expected to step up and deal.

Power goes out?  Men are expected to step up and deal.

Water stops flowing?  Men are expected to step up and deal.

Hijacker flying planes into buildings?  Didn’t hear any women saying “Let’s roll.”

So, ladies, try getting out of the way, let the men, men, and go look for that inner femininity and some appreciation. 

They’re in there, somewhere, buried under all that makeup and w(h)ine.  {Jeremiah 3:20}

Try hunting and gathering for some of that, and hush.