In America’s Recurring News …

Whelp, here we go again.

Divergent paths and different travelers, yet the same destination.

Daniel Perry killed Jordan Neely.

Susan Lorincz killed Ajike “AJ” Owens.

On May 1, 2023, Daniel Penny, a 24-year-old Marine vet, put Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old homeless mental case, into a chokehold until Mr. Neely stopped breathing.  Apparently, Mr. Neely was shouting at NYC subway passengers (but who doesn’t) and being an overall nuisance.  Mr. Penny felt that Mr. Neely was a dangerous problem that needed to be solved.  According to Mr. Neely’s family, he was sick, needed help and support, and the system failed him.

OK, so where were they with the help? 

Mr. Penny has since been charged with manslaughter.

On June 2, 2023, Susan Lorincz, a 58-year-old bitter bot, shot and killed Ajike Owens, a 35-year-old single mother of four … which is important because the kids now lack a primary parental caregiver and hopefully will be raised with/by extended family.  According to the news (which is always fair and unbiased), Ms. Lorincz fired the fatal shot through her front door because Ms. Owens was either (1) knocking or (2) banging on Ms. Lorincz’s door regarding an altercation Ms. Lorincz had with one of Ms. Owens’ children.  The two women apparently lived in the same Florida apartment complex, had a long and unfriendly history, and the neighbors/witnesses claim that Ms. Lorincz was the neighborhood problem, what with epithets and slurs and such leveled at children, well, because reasons. 

Begs the question:  why didn’t Ms. Lorincz move to a place with more of her kind (of people)?  The property owners have since stated that she will be evicted, even if not convicted.  Heh.  This country.

Ms. Lorincz has also been charged with manslaughter.

Two different American stories, all different actors, identical outcomes. 

Although methinks me always side-eye’s askance at Horsemen with curls, I tend to believe that the respective phenotypes of all involved were not the primary or motivating factors for Mr. Penny, but rather the perceived threat.  Now, of course, no question, don’t be silly, differing phenotypes instill different reactions, but it’s possible – not likely, but possible – that Mr. Penny may have behaved the same way and engaged in identical behavior if he and Mr. Neely had shared external physical similarities, shall we say. 

But I do not know the hearts of men, and most assuredly Mr. Penny will have to explain himself to the Most High.  {Luke 16:15}

Interestingly enough, there is another Horseman at an Ice Cream social that killed one of the attendees with a similar name.

Daniel Perry killed Garrett Foster back in 2020, and unironically, Mr. Foster was protesting Derek Chauvin’s killing of George Floyd.

I detect a pattern.

Anyhoo, Ms. Lorincz told deputies that she researched “Stand Your Ground” laws in the Flying Cockroach state and that little admission … incentivized the sheriff to file charges.  There also exists a long and documented history of Ms. Lorincz as the neighborhood bully, so we’ll see how this plays out. 


As the nation ages, more and more I’m wondering if the Warren Court got it wrong.

That separate is not inherently unequal, but in fact is much safer/saner for certain segments of the population because other segments of the population seem simply unable to just get along and play nice.

The debt of democracy seems to have been / is / will be paid more by some while others merely enjoy the benefits.

Blood of patriots, indeed.

Perhaps the litigants in Brown (1954) should have focused on compelling public/private enterprises to establish the “equal” while continuing the “separate.”

Costly, in more ways than one, but would it have been better? Let’s ask Trayvon Martin, Sean Bell, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Oscar Grant … oh wait …

A documentary attempted to discuss/explore the issue, and a comment from one Horse(wo)man may have summed it up best:  “Racism has been harder on white people because it stole our humanity.” 

Amen to that, sister.  Amen.