GOD says “Get in Shape!” (and round doesn’t count)

Mentioned somewhere around these parts that I am fat.

Not that I’m particularly disturbed by my fatness (waggy corpulence) but Half is which means I must be as well.

So, that which brings us to fitness.  Fatness to fitness, what fun.

Started on my … journey from fatness to fitness back in early 2022 … not much progress, m’fraid, more of a holding in place.

Part of the problem is making excuses, and the other part is just not getting it done.

Did diet, for a bit, did exercise, for a bit, but in reality the problem is finding the interest to actually lose weight.

One bright spot is that my fat is firm, not wiggly-jiggly, so there’s that. 

Beer and cupcakes, breakfast-lunch-dinner of champions.

But the other fitness that I am mastering is financial fitness … to wit, getting out of debt.

See, there are many types of fitness, and physical is but one.

There is physical fitness — one’s level of externally validated attractiveness.

There is mental fitness — accepting whatever comes and dealing therewith.

There is relationship fitness — one’s ability to be in and maintain a relationship with other humans.

There is parental fitness — whether a person is qualified to teach and train a tiny human into adulthood.

There is financial fitness — getting that money right, and keeping it there.

And there is spiritual fitness — faith in GOD, and HIS ability/power/interest in you as a child of HIM, which I would argue is the most important type.

See, with spiritual fitness, all the others become more possible.

Mentally: crazy fit right here.  The opinions of others do not phase in the slightest. 
Whatevs.  Congrats on feeling that way.  You are entitled to your beliefs. 
Please feel free to do you, over there.

And I dare say methinks the parental fitness is pretty darn good, theKid being ample proof of that. 

Although, the argument could be made that theKid just arrived awesome, and I wouldn’t debate that at all either.  But theKid once told me that theKid thinks I’m a great parent, so that’s what I’ll take to the bank and exchange for cash, thankyouverymuch.

The relationship fitness … ehhh, lacking.  Half would say it is lacking, and Half’s opinion on this matter would be the most qualified. 

And methinks that our relationship/marriage is an example (cautionary tale?) for theKid, ‘cos both Half and other half constantly remind theKid the importance of finding that person with a similar outlook, mindset, and attitude to share a fulfilling and satisfying life. 

Not that I regret Half (altho’ Half might not feel the same but we ain’t asking) but I do regret not investing early and often in/to our relationship, to ensure it stayed strong, and healthy, and loving, and fun. 

Admittedly, I got complacent, and took for granted, and assumed, and methinks we(the collectively “we”) are paying the price for me not trying/insisting/demanding/being better.

But Half is a problem, too, no perfection there, so we could both do with improving the fitness in that area. 

But we’re hanging in, so there’s that.

Regarding spiritual fitness … I know that I am a sinner, I know that Christ died on the cross for my sins then rose on the third day to show HIS power to the world, and I know that only HE, and no other, can redeem the sins and the sinners of this world.  {Philippians 3:21}

So spiritual fitness?  Dare I say I am an Olympian, gold medal even. 
GOD is awesomely fantastic, truly, and methinks me glad to have made HIS acquaintance. 

Tow truck lights in the rearview, indeed.

I also know that Epstein didn’t kill himself, so there’s that as well.

And right now, methinks that the light at the end of the debt tunnel may not actually be the headlamp of a train but rather the rays of the sun, that the debt monkeys in my credit circus will perform the tricks I teach them rather than fling poo at me with laughter and derision … dare I say (yes I dare) that my financial fitness is getting into much better shape, that I exercise every month and every month it gets tighter, firmer, and better looking with each banana. 

There’s a guy on the Tubes of You, part of the manosphere, not a big channel but he’s working on it, calls it the HBO special (I’ll let you find that), and he tells his viewers that if they don’t go to the gym he’ll climb in their windows at night … as he is an Ice Cream man I think that’s an excellent way for him to get shot but I believe he’s only joking … I think. 

Anyhoo, he said that only 30 minutes a day can change a man’s entire life … I believe I’ll take him up on that. 

If I can find the time (heh).

So physical fitness is the next hurdle (see what I did there) and since off the market others’ validation of my level of attractiveness is not sufficient incentive.

But Half likes sexy/cute, thus Half’s external validation of my attractiveness will have to be my motivation.  After all, GOD says so.  {1 Corinthians 7:4}

Hey look at that!  Spiritual fitness shall be my physical salvation.  Hallelujah all up in and over that.