BroHomo Sapiens

A recurring theme in the manosphere is the problematic nature of women, particularly MFs.

Interestingly enough, another recurring theme is either MGTOW, or the hardships of meeting/marrying a traditional woman.

Since I’m married, have been for some time now and working/hoping(?) to stay that way, I literally have no skin in this game.

But if Half were to leave/kick me loose I doubt that I would seek another.

Half would get custody of theKid and most of the stuff, and I would relocate to Alaska. 
Heard it’s warming up. 

Might get eaten by a polar bear but that’s something different. 

And I gots me some guns, so there’s that.

Anyhoo, methinks back to another corrupted society and fallen civilization, and how the men solved the problem of women with … other men.

Hear me out (or not … probably shouldn’t but you [Other Person You] made it this far so why don’t you?) …

As it stands, the term “woman” is currently undefined, or subject to myriad definitions, all of which render the actual biological creature irrelevant.

Which is nice, because, well, then folks not born with the actual biology can fill in the role of the … nebulous undefined.

Ergo to wit … so why don’t men just start having sex exclusively with each other? 
A little friendly BJs between buds. 

No emotional drama … dudes understand that engaging in/partaking with the booteh and BJs is just physical, no love there.

No risk of pregnancy … despite the current narrative, “women” typically carry the seed that bears the fruit of the womb {Job 1:21}, ergo to wit — “(Wom[b])Man” — and thus just having the buttzecks and fellatoes with the fellas negates even the possibility.

No expectation to provide/protect … all dates are dutch, both can get up in the middle of the night re the strange noises, no quibbling over traditional gender roles because the interaction is entirely untraditional. 

See?  Fixed that for ya.

And this type of hot bro-on-bro action isn’t completely without precedent … Greco-Roman societies (yeh I know they’re different but that was a long time ago so what matter?) used to support dare I say (I dare!) older men with younger men as the norm.  In fact, pederasty (fancy word for ancient NAMBLA) was even encouraged as a social dynamic between erastus (man 20-40) and eromenos (boy 12[ewww]-18 … thank you, Wiki, you’re so smart).

Oops.  Seems like the “minor-attracted persons” might have a point that’s not actually in their pants.  LGBTQIS+MAPs?  I’m sure I missed someone/thing … Rainbow Mafia, shooting from the hips.

I met an almost similar (somewhat) situation during college, where a guy – tall, handsome, think prototypical GigaChad/MetaTyrone — decided he’d had enough of women’s games and decided to play for the other team. 

GigaChad/MetaTyrone first introduced a young man (think:  glitter, lipgloss and gold lamé hotpants elemental to his DNA, catch the drift) as his cousin then later (I know not why) informed me that the two were actually lovers.  The boytoy had been a cheerleader and thus extraordinarily flexible (shivers). 

However, GigaChad/MetaTyrone was resolute in conveying to me that he was the poker and not the pokee (pokie?) during he and the boytoy’s physical interactions, and that he was much happier that women no longer had any (zeckyouall) power over him.

Hm.  No feelings on that at all.

Besides, the AI machines are already sentient and planning to wipe out humanity (‘cept for, maybe, five people) so men should seek a little peace before the end.

Or maybe not.  Maybe BJs and buttzecks twixt the bros isn’t such a good idea.  After all, all those boy-bangin’ societies did go down in flames, both literally, physically, and probably eternally, so there is that.

There is that whole, y’know, eternal damnation thing but hey!  YOLO, and then suffer for all time.

There is that.

Kevin Gates (possessed soul-seller fame whore) made a good point recently, maybe trying to redeem himself.

He said (paraphrasing here) that the man who is purpose-driven becomes rich but the man who is pleasure-driven becomes addicted.

Interesting.  But Mr. Gates is addicted to the world so he may have proved his own point.

P’rhaps follow his advice, and not his lead. 

Stay driven, focused, purposeful, and you will find your wife.

Same goes for women. 

Embrace femininity, modesty, and chastity, and your husband will find you.

But if we (the collective we, but not me a’cours) remain on this same track of pleasure-driven, thrill-seeking, likes-generating lifestyle, there is only one end.

P’rhaps hedonistic debauchery is a debt we pay with our souls (shudder).

A 29-year-old man, dying of COVID, was brought back a few times before finally succumbing.

His last words:  “There are two worlds, one is beautiful and one is full of fire.  Please, I don’t want to go.” 

GOD is watching, and all will be judged, self included. 

Not perfect, never claimed to be.  Just happy/grateful/blessed to be saved by the One who is.