How to Make a Batwing With Your Nutsack

theKid is comedy. 

Occasionally, theKid will insist that I sit with theKid and watch memes.

Not movies.  Not TV shows.  Not a program.  But memes.

Sign o’ the times.

Anyhoo, most of the time I have something else to do but child bonding (no glue!) is a thing, and a very important thing at that, so memes it is.

And I must admit … some of that stuff is pretty good.

“Wait!  Don’t keep scrolling I’m desperate.”

Lots of outrage.  Many complaints.  Plenty of why is this like this.

These kids today, young whippersnappers all, and the world they will/have.

Speaking of dystopian futures, there is a young man, quite successful, who appears dedicated to destroying himself.

To wit, ergo – Ja Morant, better known round these parts as “Ya Moronic.” 

It is unclear to me, total mystery actually, why a person would work so hard to get so far only to fall so fast.

WTAF?  See I’m hip, even if that includes a replacement.

Actual government name:  “Temetrius Jamel.”  You get one guess, and that one doesn’t count.

Maybe his parents really wanted him to be a gangster.  Certainly wouldn’t get a job at the Volvo dealership.  digress

See, along with memes theKid likes basketball, so I must watch basketball.

Did you know there are only 30 teams, with 15 players each, for a total of 450 NBA players, out of 8.0B humans, in the entire world?  theKid told me that.

And this Ya Moronic person is one of the 450, at least for now anyway, altho’ he seems pretty determined to change that.

tehKid watched Ya’s origin story, and he is – quite literally – a player nobody wanted, from some nowhere bottom tier southern backwater (but born legitimate with dad in-house so had more than most/many) and just by chance (GOD’s will, excuse you) an assistant coach at a camp looking at somebody else happened to see Ya putting in work during a game of 3-on-3, and a star ascends.

So perchance (GOD’s will, ahem amen) led Ya to shine in college and then as one of the 450 and now as a cautionary tale.

How to make a batwing with your nutsack?  Flash weapons on social media with your boys.

Ya needs to stop making batwings with his nutsack.  The pointlessness of it all.

That young man owes a debt of responsibility to his parents, to the league, to his fans, but most importantly … to himself.  {Malachi 2:2}

GOD blessed that man, and he has lost sight of that.

Stop making batwings with your nutsack, Temetrius.  Honor your blessing.  And play ball.