The Nuclear Dude

One of theKid’s training camps is coed.  Boys and girls, mixing it up, competing in kind, never a problem there, oh-ho-ho-no.

Didn’t a female volleyball player wind up with a concussion after the translete spiked the ball into her face?  But no difference between the sexes.  Riiiiiiiight.  Anyways … digress.

So theKid has the occasional coed training camp, and while theKid is all about the business (love that kid) some of the others … not so much.

Case in point:  some of the teen boys were working on something, play, form, whatever, and a few of the teen girls (MFs in training) went tipping and switching into the boys’ space, like chickens strutting across wet concrete, trying to get that attention/validation/likes, whilst the boys just watched them invade the area with looks of confused disgust on their faces, like Would you please leave?  We’re trying to work.

I was so proud. 

Heard/read/saw something about young boys of/from some primitive African tribe (name? country? region?  Nomat, just over there) where the male rite of passage involved keeping a herd of cattle alive on the savannah for 30 days.  By himself.  At ten.  Yes, years old. 

Maybe it was twelve.  Anyhoo … if the cattle lived, the boy was a man. 
If all (or maybe too many) died then he had to try again another time, and was still considered a boy. 

Over there, in that so-called primitive place, the females play no role in defining male masculinity.

Rather:  men define it, and create the standard. 

Seems like the tribal folks with spears and loincloths get those gender roles exactly right.

Methinks the problem of today’s guy, the modern common man, is that he is allowing women – specifically MFs – to determine who, what, and why he is supposed to be.

And those that refuse the womanish definition are branded toxic. 

See case study:  Andrew Tate.

See case study:  RIP Kevin Samuels, the Master (correction:  Rollo Tomassi is the Godfather of Red Pill but Samuels actually mastered it before his death … ergo, his new title, posthumously bestowed—continuing)

See case study:  Fresh&Fit, or Fake&Fraud, as I have heard them referred to as such … methinks they take the toxic to the extreme / Frank Castle ‘n all –a man secure in his masculinity never need yell at a female / but their overall message seems pretty sound.

See case study:  Rich Cooper.

See case study:  the aforementioned Mr. Tomassi.  Watched a “Dr” Phil (Dr. Fill) episode where Tomassi explained to the good doc that he was “superfluous” to his wife Robin. 

She ”wants” him but doesn’t “need” him. 

I just about choked on my spit that was so funny.

Of course the Oprahsphere took umbrage to that … all the umbrage, so much umbrage … and proceeded to shout Mr. Tomassi down.  I thought he did well, actually, balding rocker headrag notwithstanding.

Anyhoo, in this modern age, men are supposed to be women, or like women, until society needs masculine men.

Hello, Ukraine.

And then society bemoans and bewails the lack of manly men to handle the manly menly jobs.

A MF on the Tok of the Tik complained that she could not find a liberal man with sufficient masculinity.

Oh, do tell wonder why.

An assistant coach somewhere was recently fired / charges brought / for letting two boys on the football team resolve a disagreement with fisticuffs rather than feelings.

And it’s no coincidence (don’t believe in coincidence, HA!) that testosterone levels and sperm counts have been on the decline since the 1970s.  Which, strangely, coincides (not by coincidence!) with the rise of feminism.

Go figure.

The kittification of men, boys, and males in general is a sad thing to watch/witness.

There’s even a blue-haired guy aptly-named “Destiny” who is a testament to this, very womanish and not in a good way.  Makes some great points while missing all of them.  For shame.  Married to a verifiable 8-9-10 (depending) who fully embraces her husband’s femininity.  Claims she’s with him for his energy and his intellect. 

Honey.  Preach that noise from a cardboard box, and then we’ll see.

The point of which is what?

Why the debt of and to manhood!  Of course.

Too bad the West is in arrears, looking like the national debt.

But in better news … the Woke Rainbow Mafia won’t take on the anti-homo/trans sentiment of Muslims for fear of appearing Islamaphobic.

Ha!  And the snake eats its tail.  Ouroboros all.

Newsflash:  the serpent lied.  {Genesis 3:4}

So why are we listening to Eve?