The Measure of My Monkey

Realized (yes no I am not paying attention) that I haven’t checked on/REVEALED TO THE ENTIRE WORLD my debt of foolishness in a while, just been feeding the monkey and starving it at the same time.

So without further ado (always ado, so much more ado) … the current measure of my monkey:

Type of DebtTotalDebtMinMonthPay
Meet Moe, killer monkey$70,000$750
Newer monkey / funk stench$11,315$475
Monkey help$10,600$285
Monkey fun #1$9,000$600
Monkey fun #2$5,000$600
Years of monkey play$4,000$1,000
Smarter monkey (not really)$3,730$500
Really monkey?$2,000$500
Did I really buy that, monkey? Why yes … yes you did  $2,000  $250
Meet:  Travis$117,645.00$4,960.00

Whelp, like all things, consistency is the key to unlocking any door … even the door to debt freedom.  Better than we were, slowly getting to where we want to be … which is living debt free (ooooh, a rhyme)

Took advantage of some gub’mint programs, got a little aid, so that was nice.  Totally unexpected and fully appreciated.  Sometimes, the gub’mint is here to help.  Not always and not often, but sometimes. 

Yay, me.