Two Questions

Rumor has it that men are just not getting married anymore.

So much so that David’s Bridal, that cesspool of tulle and tiaras, filed for bankruptcy not too long ago.
I guess DeBeers is next as it should be … two months’ salary on a rock of negligible value?  Really?  Kissmybutt

Funny.  The Red Pill makes sure males/MFs understand that while women are the gatekeepers of sex, men are the keymasters to marriage.

So the keymaster is no longer opening the door to matrimony.  Heh.

Memo was a little late, but digress.

Anyhoo, for those that wish to be institutionalized, there are only two questions to ask before getting locked in.

First:  Will she sign a prenup? 

If the answer is no, or whining, or “so you’re planning on divorce” or “Love doesn’t need a contract” … then she ain’t the one.  She wants access to your everything and the option to take it if she gets bored/needs some hypergamy in her life, whatever. 

Keep it moving.

Second:  Would she object to paternity testing for any children she birthed during the marriage?

Again, if the answer is no, or whining, or “how could you ask me that” … then she ain’t the one.  It isn’t a question of trust, but rather one of certainty.  She knows that’s her kid, and should want you to have the same level certainty as well.   

“When it comes to two-year-old DiAhjanay Amuneek, you are not the father.”  Thass ray-sis!!! 

Not really.  Everybody gets dragged on Maury.  Hoebag MFs are not restricted by race.  Anyhoo …

Time for horror stories … guy in England thought he had three sons, pride of his life, joy of his heart.  Goes to the doctor, who tells him he’s been sterile since birth.  So whose kids are these? 

Only the hoebag knows.  He sued her, but dunno the outcome of that.

Another guy … Texas? … thought he had two sons and a daughter.  Turns out, DNA testing proved all three kids were by three different men.  He outed the hoebag Mrs at her birthday party, in front of her entire family.

Some say he was wrong.  I say, vengeance is the Lord’s but sometimes man just can’t help himself.

This one … whew.  Talk about crazy … guy, a NY doctor, has an exclusively oral relationship with one of his female colleagues, another doc.  They engage for a bit, then go their separate ways.  Eight years later, doc gets hit with a paternity suit, and the female doc is looking for child support re a daughter.  Guy thinks to self, Self, there’s no way this kid is mine / we never did it like that.  Gets a DNA test, confident he’s going to pass. 

“When it comes to eight-year-old Rebecca Leah Rachel, you are the father.” 

Guy is like, Wat?  Turns out, the female doc saved the daddy batter and impregnated herself with it, actually admitted to that in family court.  Guy had to pay $8K (yes, grand) a month in child support.

Fun fact:  Guy turned around and sued the mother for theft and emotional distress. 

Court said, “Well, she didn’t actually steal anything ‘cos you gave it to her.  So the claim of theft is out.  But no rational human being would think that a pregnancy/child would result from that particular act so the emotional distress claim can move forward.”

Dunno what happened with that one either, but my heavens (shudders).  Drake had the right idea – condom and hot sauce – even if it got him sued by a hoebag MF wannabe babymama.  Ha!

Speaking of hoebags … I liked House of the Dragon, very entertaining, particularly when the really big dragon ate the little dragon for breathing fire at him (“Oh no you din’t…”), but the part that I found supremely amusing (aside from breeding with her uncle) is that Rhaenyra had the inner cojones to just breed it all up with her guard and pass her bastards off as products of her marriage to the gay dude.

Ha!  Not much has changed in the eleventy-umpteen years between dragons and, well, the internet.

I thought Vaemond’s death was particularly telling.  Not only his tongue, but the top half of his head as well.

He died with the truth on his lips, so there’s that.

But back to the point … methinks that men like being married, overall, it’s just MFs and a legal system that encourages hoebag behavior are the root causes of the problem.

It seems men are the only ones who owe a debt to the marital vows.


Two questions, and judge accordingly. 

Not foolproof, not by any means, but methinks a good start.  Gauge the reaction, and if she answers both in the affirmative, may be a keeper. 

After all, Adam abandoned Paradise for Eve.  {Genesis 3:12}  Could have just abstained and snitched her out, stayed alone in Eden and asked for a replacement.

Did Lillith have a sister?