The Great Gaslight

OK so there’s this big ahh ball of light and hubris in Vegas and it’s disturbing, to say the least.

Some have opined that the MSG Sphere is a beacon for ET to come and visit.

Interestingly more so, a family in Vegas made a 911 call to report aliens in their backyard … 9, 10 feet tall non-human beings with huge black eyes and grey skin.


Also apparently, the bodycam of a nearby cop on another call caught … something … falling from the sky, right around/before/betwixt the call re otherworldly contact.

OK so GOD already told us about this, too.  Warned of the Great Deception {Revelation 13:14}

Gonna be sights in the sky and miracles in the world and all will be deceived.

China recently did an enormous hologram of a dragon.  Highly cool, deeply disturbing.

Rumor has it that the global parasites— oops I meant elites — those masters of mankind, are planning to gaslight the entire planet with a holographic alien invasion — see “Project Blue Beam” … there’s stellar Reddit post w/timeline — to unite the world under one government, one religion, one currency, one rule.

And some still doubt the inerrancy of the Bible.  Silly wabbits.

No coincidence (nope, none at all) that there are so many eyewitness accounts of strangeness in the sky caught on camera … I believe they (yes, them) call it predictive programming, get the masses ready for the hot mess coming. 

Funnily enough, earth has already seen this.  Nothing new under the sun, p’rhaps?  Methinks they are referred to in modern times (see Tubes of You) as the Annunaki.

Book of Enoch chats a bit re them.  Also the Book of Giants, found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls.  The learned minds didn’t want to know about that so dismissed out of hand. 

Sometimes majority rule just means the fools are all in agreement.

Just so you (Other Person, You) know, there are no aliens.  Nope, not a one. 

Those that masquerade as such are fallen angels, in league with their buddy satan (which just means “the enemy” wrong team!) who want to keep as many souls away from GOD as possible.

Misery loving company and all that.

Just keep in mind that the devil is a creation, a creature, of the Creator, just like we, to Whom the ultimate debt is owed.

The debt of existence.

The gift of life.

Which could be like giving a Bentley to a 16-year-old.  Pricey, risky, perhaps unwise, but a gift nonetheless.

It’s up to the recipient to learn how to drive.  Can wreck it into a wall, or keep it pristine.

Free will has a very high price.