Vlad the Upseller

Didn’t see that one coming.  Or maybe did.

No real mystery that Vlad’s efforts re empire-building/expansion have been met with a bit of resistance.

What’s it been, 18 months now?  Vlad budgeted a couple months to complete his invasion, and just recently Moscow almost got took by his own mercs.

Ha!  Gotta love it.

Vlad is trying to sell the narrative that if Wagner hadn’t halted the mercs’ march to Moscow they would have (inevitably) been stopped by Russian forces.

Yeh, right. 

Even more horrifying is if Wagner had managed to dethrone Vlad … new boss is exactly like the old boss, but possibly worse.  A military coup in Russia?  Yeah that’s a good look.  World: watch out!

Methinks me wonders if Gog and Magog are where/who originally thought it was {Rev: 20:8}… kinda looking like maybe, maybe not.

What was the name of that Russian submarine that got stuck at the bottom of the sea and all the sailors died?  The Kursk, all 118 men died on board while Vlad continued his holiday.  What suck.

I don’t think the Kursk imploded, just failed and sank (Subway’s joke didn’t make sense, BTW … why would a foot-long detonate?  Altho’, with enough time, dead bodies do explode … makes you wonder what they are using for meat.  “Eat Fresh(kill)” / digress).

Speaking of imploding subs … why oh why does anyone need to see the Titanic lying on the floor of the Atlantic? 

Research I get. 

Salvage I get. 

But sightseeing?  Like it’s Mt Rushmore or that big ball of rubber bands in Ohio?  Trapped in a carbon fiber experimental bubble? 

Stupid is as stupid can afford, apparently. 

Speaking of stupid, Vlad is likely a hologram at this point, and policies are being promoted/implemented by hawks in his administration. 

Some months back there was serious speculation that Vlad was sick, possibly dying. 

His face was swollen, he looked unsteady during public appearances, then somehow, all of that resolved.

Kind of like Dick Cheney, bka Emperor Palpatine.  Truly a lord of the dark side.

Bad heart, multiple attacks, rare blood type … suddenly all resolved.

Methinks he had an organ harvested from an unwilling donor, but I’m crazy.  Maybe not wrong, tho’.

Rumor has it Jamie Foxx (who?) was also cloned.  Along with Kanye West (who?)

Wouldn’t be surprised to find out the actual truth, altho’ Col. Jessup was prolly right.

Whole world (apart from a few nutjob conspiracy theorists, such as meself [waving] “Hi!”) would likely shrug and change the channel.  American Ninja Warrior does make for captivating viewing. 

Bread and circuses, indeed. 

Whatever.  The world is burning, and I have gas. 
