The Female Problem

May have mentioned (definitely mentioned) that I enjoy the opinions of the manosphere, but methinks it has descended into a bit of an echo chamber.

F&F reiterate the recurrent complaint that, essentially, women are basically pointless/irrelevant/useless to men UNLESS the man wants children, then he’s obligated/cautioned to find a good one.

So … in this current climate of mad woke societal madness, it occurs to me that there is both a solution to the personal autonomy of the MF as well as the greater acceptance of the TIF.

Ergo, to wit.  And bear with me, ‘coz it’s a bit out there.

The problem of abortion is that men lack sexual discipline and self-control, and if men were to limit their sexual activities to their wives, the rate of abortion would drop by 90 percent. 

Remember? Women are illogical, irrational, and emotional, choosing paternal potential based on the type of car a guy drives or his abs, so no, ain’t her fault she’s a bit of a twit.

Proof?  Roughly 90 percent of abortions are abortions of convenience performed on unmarried women.

And in this current climate of anti-marriage (“I most definitely don’t) men are foregoing matrimony en masse, so much so that the main wedding dress retailer in the US has gone bankrupt.  Oops.  Guess spending two months’ salary on a shiny piece of densely-pressurized coal is going the way of the VCR (the what? yeh, that)

So … if men cannot control themselves, and simply must, must, must have sex but don’t want to marry, then they should restrict their sexual activities as unmarried men to post-op, bottom-cut TIFs.

All the holes of interest – altho’ the main one is surgically created and artificially maintained (but he can be a living dilator) – yet none of the related problems.

No risk of abortion because no possibility of pregnancy.

No PMS because no periods, altho’ the hormones necessary to maintain the feminine appearance might result in some emotional flutter.

No “feminine logic” because, technically, actually, no female, just the verisimilitude of one.

See?  Problem(s) solved.

And when ready for marriage and family, a man can just … switch to a woman.

Altho’ the lasting psychological ramifications of that whole experiment … might be a little icky. 
{Hebrews 13:4}

But since we (the mad woke societal we) let 6-year-olds choose their sex, guess we could just try it and see how that works out, too.