Sides of a Circle

Guy sought the opinions of the internets.

Seems he was a bit of a germaphobe, bodily functions of most sort grossed him all the WTF out.

Actually suffered traumatic, physical reactions (anxiety, panic attack, seizures) when confronted with the human nasties … also had epilepsy or some such, needed a full eight every night of sleep or he could end up in the hospital.

One body ooze he was OK with apparently was the sezzytimes, the doublebacked monster, bumpin’ uglies, you get the drift (if not the point ahahahahhahhahhaa nevermind)

Why this guy is even engaging/partaking is beyond me, but digress.

Anyhoo, he managed to knock up a MF, told her (according to him) quite plainly that she would be on her own if she choiced to have the kid ‘cos he doesn’t do poop, pee, vomit, spittle, all the moist wonders of brand new life.

Anyhoo, MF starts getting overwhelmed with the amount of work it takes not just to have a baby but to keep a baby and starts digging into him to help more … change some diapers, feed a face, etc., ad nauseum.

He wants to know if he is the problem, because he warned her beforehand re his limitations.

Resoundingly, the overall opinion of anonymous strangers was that he should get his nuts cut, because he cannot/will not help with the new life she decided to grow in her womb, push out of her ladybits, and feed with her milkbags/maybe it was formula but you get the drift (if not the point ahahahahhahhahhaa nevermind) 

So the question is:
Why should a man be expected to alter his body just so a woman doesn’t have to alter hers?

My MIL confided something to me that her mother told her, that I think every MF needs to hear.

“That’s your baby.  He’ll help if he feels like it, but that baby belongs to you.”

Almost of year of her life in invested in growing a new person while a man can ejaculate then go off and die in a corner. 

But women (and the new people) don’t have that option, not yet, not until artificial wombs are a consistent thing (“Humans are no longer born, but grown.”) 

Guess that’s why those so-called primitive tribal societies raised children as a village, every(womb)body pitched in until the boys were old enough to be taught manhood by the men.

Seems like the old ways were the best ways, at least when referring to the familial unit.

Now, MFs are pissed to have to do it alone, and wonder why the current system seems so broken.

Well you, missy-poo, are the one that broke it.

Men did not change; women did. 

And he should not have to change so she doesn’t have to. 

MFs incur a debt of Independence, whereas traditionals bear the debt of femininity. 

Two sides of a circle.  {Isaiah 40:22}


And outside. 

That’s the real choice.
