OK, so …

… the Montgomery Boat Brawl, c. August 5, 2023.

Am I wrong for enjoying this to the extent that I am/did/will forever?

People were harmed, peace was disturbed, arrests were made, and I laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

Rather than a shot across the bow, a jaunty flip o’ the cap. 

The Ice Cream Social is truly priceless … “Aquamayne,” indeed.

Methinks p’raps it is the cosmic convergence of the poetic and the sublime that got me most tickled.

First, the boat docks.  Same place where, oh, 200-300 years ago the Ice Cream Social had family forced out and away to the four corners of the South, the beginning of the end. 

Well, there’s that.

And the name of the ferry whose efforts to dock were thwarted by the “black” pontoon of the problematic Horsemen?  “The Harriott.”  Ha! 

Methinks GOD has the ultimate sense of humor.

Fun fact:  John Brown – one of the true greats, strategically positioned in time/place/space by GOD – referred to that Beautiful Conductor as “General Tubman.”  How neat.  How swell. 

And the weapon of choice?  A folding chair, invented by none other than card-carrying, hard-inventing true-blooded member of the Ice Cream Social, fella by the name of Nathaniel Alexander, back in 1911.

Bet he never thought his device would be the source of so much high hilarity.  Bopped that broad right in the face.

Equal rights?  Equal lefts.

Tried that in small town.  Ha! 

Methinks Jason Aldean can’t be that clueless — dog whistles abound — but then again the modern educational system is a failure so there’s that.  Welcome to Florida.  And Arkansas.  And Texas.  Oh, the South … still getting it wrong, after all these years still failing to get it right.  Sigh.  {Matthew 16:26}

Even Haaah-vaaaad grads are morons.  Ivy League = Best in the nation?  Uh, no. 
Didn’t Shrub and Clarry Tom go to Yale?  Now there’s some flickering lowlights
(fool me—can’t get fooled again!)

Not so fun fact … in another part of the recent historical South, six Horsemen, badged and gunned, went on a nightride so beloved by their ancestors and tortured two men because they were living next to another Horseman who whin(ni)ed.  Guess it’s good those “officers of the law” confessed/plead guilty to all charges, but those men are forever scarred by the experience. 

Not their fault but forever to be their burning cross to bear.

The savagery of Horsemen is always borne by those least deserving of it.  Will that debt ever be paid?

Prolly not.  Modern Horsemen now claim to be victims of racism. 

Ahhh, no … that does not mean what I think you think it means. 

Guess it depends on the definition.  “Use of race to justify atrocity” seems to fit, however YMMV.

But the Montgomery Sweet Tea Party?  Now that’s some southern justice long delayed yet well-deserved, and — methinks — ancestrally enjoyed. 
