Nepotism, Cronyism, and Favoritism … the Modern Trifecta

theKid participated in a sports camp/competition recently. 

Results were not as hoped.


theKid performed quite well, achieving top ten status in most of the events, and top twenty status in the others.  For a point of reference, there was roughly maybe 300-500 participants, skill levels from newbie to vet.

Anyhoo, theKid had one flub (totally the fault of Half and other half) but did well on balance.


theKid did not get any recognition for top 10/20 performance … rather, other participants with greater backroom connections and heavier social media presence shall we say “ascended” to the top level of the event.

Well, pooh on that.  Good performance does not afford recognition?  Guess not.  Thanks for p(l)aying.

theKid was disappointed, rightfully so, but still … a valuable lesson learned.

It’s not what you know or how well you do, but who you know and what you do for them.

Unless, of course, you dominant the industry/field/event to such an extent as to make the nepotism, cronyism, and favoritism blatant and then enough folks start to complain … in the form of dollars, that are removed from aforesaid industry/field/event.

Suppose it serves as an incentive to destroy all comers, and make one’s superior status/performance undeniable.

But still.

There are the masters of mankind, and they do not suffer excellence well.

Speaking of … Nikola Tesla created technology that would make modern (at the turn of the 20th century) energy systems obsolete … in the era of your Rockefellers, your Carnegies, your Gettys. 

A man by the name of Stanley Meyer built a water-powered car back in the 1990’s, and died after sipping cranberry juice during a meeting with investors.  His last words?  “They poisoned me.”  Of course, the official cause of death is a blown head gasket (bah-dum-bump). 

Another man by the name of Aaron Salter invented another water-powered car fairly recently, and he was murdered in a mass shooting up in Buffalo.  They perpetrator drove more than three hours to reach his destination, with a city containing an even higher percentage of his targeted demographic was over an hour closer.


Status quo, everyone.  Meet and maintain.

But, again, valuable lesson learned.

Pay attention to the patterns, note the discrepancies, and move accordingly.

And never, ever, EVER let the foolishness of others dissuade your brilliance. 

Embrace your excellence, and pay the debt one owes to oneself. 

GOD is watching, and HE has blessed you. 
Enjoy your blessings in this world, and HE will embrace you in the next. 

Even Lucifer was bestowed a gift {Ezekial 28:13} … but he blew it!  (Heh.)

The point?

Despite the politics involved in every aspect of modern life, continue building greatness.

And Half has consistently (even stridently) exhorted theKid …
“Shoot for the moon ‘coz even if you miss, you’ll be among stars.” 

Well said, spouse.  Well said.