Look At The Blood!

Half called me “Multiple Miggs” the other day. 

Methinks some would find that offensive.

I, however, thought it was hilarious (“I bit my wrist …”)

There is truly someone for everyone.

Unless, of course, you are an MF.

Saw not one but two different reports of DomVi between semi-lesbian couples, and methinks it begs the question: do women think men are defined by violence?

Both of the … read: studs … in the relationships were involved with MFs on the fence … she’s a munch but has kids, likes to ricochet between the sexes. 

Interestingly enough, both … read: studs … were the perpetrators of the physical hostilities in response to the emotional/psychological/manipulative assaults of the bounce-back MFs.  {Romans 1:26}

Remember Anne Heche?  Total B-list until she hooked up with Ellen then her career hit the stratosphere following which she went and married a dude and birthed some babies.

Tragic end, that.  Seems like there’s more to the story (was she actually fighting on the gurney?) but, like Epstein, the official story is the narrative, and the narrative is the official, so there’s that.


Babymamas bemoan their self-induced circumstances, claim men ain’t ish
(which conversely suggests that men are not ish and therefore good and worthy but methinks the meaning is lost amongst the weaving and sandling – thank you Oshay digress)
so methinks mewonders if this is the new-era alternative … rather than find a beta male to sponsor her children from Chad/Tyrone/Javier babymama MFs are now looking for women who behave(?) like men to fill in the role of the father … that she should have been self-respectful enough to secure in the first place.

You had one job.

And got yourself fired, currently unemployable. 

Apart from/for the kids, might be best thing.

And not sure why these MFs continually seek relationships that they are so obviously horrid at having … just be single. 

Raise your kids to best of ability (tho’ might be asking too much) …
… teach your daughters to not be you …
… teach your sons to avoid all versions of you

That is a debt MFs can pay (in full, total satisfaction) to their kids, and to men. 
Helps guys avoid becoming stepfather / no-win situation for the man&the kids … she’s the only one securing a benefit … some dude she found in a bar is now considered “family”?  Ahh, no.

But good news out of Tennessee … maternal fraud comes with jail time, and DNA testing required at birth … but only for the illegitimate, prior to signing the birth record … if married, still gotta risk the hit. 

It’s a start tho’.

Remember those two questions?
Prenup, and paternity?

If she says yes to both, might be a keeper.

If there’s balking, keep walking (ha!)

But seriously … this is long overdue.  Mama’s baby / Daddy’s maybe? … not anymore