Oh, Donny Boy

Whelp, Half predicted it way back in 2016 … said Drump was going to be a 2x prez.

I, of course, pooh-poohed the notion, said America ain’t that crazy.

I also said if Half and other half did not breed prior to fourscore less eight then there would be no offspring.  Shows you/me what I know.

Anyhoo, with 91 charges pending across four jurisdictions, Drump has the black hearts and wee minds of the GOP faithful, with the CryptKeeper and his Halfnot losing their base of young and restless hopefuls/less.

Half has expressed the opinion that Drump & Co should have it, get everything, President’s Residence, Con(opposite of “pro’)gress, the Supremes, and just let the nation burn.

Then, predictably, the innate savagery of Horsemen will rear back, and a member of the base will put a bullet in his brainpan … might miss all the important parts because so small but likely to strike something vital.  Where is Chris Kyle when you need him oh that’s right kilt by one of his ilk.  Tragic.  Good movie, tho’.  Brad shoulda got the Oscar for that but hey lib’ral ‘Murricans don’t like violence unless it’s between the Ice Cream Social (I guess everyone does hate Chris) where was I oh yes … the coming apocalypse

Yes a second Drump presidency is just what the world needs, herald in WW3 … aside from the plague, famine and overall deathscape might be kinda innarestin’, and I am looking forward to the Second Coming of CHRIST, will make all things new.  {Rev. 21:5}  HE who paid the debt for us all.

Read an article recently about the cult of personality (great song, BTW, way to implode social norms/visual expectations, fr fr – this hip ain’t broken) and how Trumpiots believe him over all evidence and arguments to the contrary, how he has managed to capture so much confidence as a civilian sex offender (not rape exactly but penetrative assault – wat? right) and will a conviction on any of those 90+ charges result in a disqualification for public office?  Would it matter? 

He could be the first write-in candidate to win the most powerful political position (outside the Pope) in the world, nuclear codes, naming the new Supremes, forcing Congress to bow … must be nice.

Methinks any debt to democracy would be declared null and void in the moral bankruptcy of the nation, so there’s that. 

Is this how it ends?  A racist, fascist fist pounding the podium, demanding fealty to the ideology, martial law in place of a voting republic?  The junta in Niger (Neh-jehr, to you Horsemen heathens) could be a blueprint, Drump to replace Milley with a Trumpiot sycophant and the battle can be declared won.

Nationalists, separatists and savagists have infiltrated the military and the police, so wouldn’t be hard.

And I thought the liberals were bad.

Well, nothing lasts forever.

Except the Word of GOD.

And HE already warned us.