Cheap Thrills

Reading is excellent, inexpensive fun.  Portable, reliable, no need to charge. 

Can even do it for free, at least used to.  Haven’t been to the library in a minute
(open on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 10am to 11:15, and hurry up!)

This may surprise you (Other Person, You) but I spent the majority of my recesses in elementary school with a book in my face, and not because someone hit me with it.

Such may explain why I am the fount of social engagement that comes before you.  No introvert here.

Reading has always been a good thing, even if the book sucks.

theKid is currently reading — not by choice but for school — and must say … much impressed. 
Private school has its privileges.  Like book fairs.  And academic accountability, for students & parents.

Don’t like the ‘lectric books, tho’.  What if the battery dies on the good part?

Methinks all this electronic doohickey whatnot is making humans dumber.

More information ≠ greater knowledge {Proverbs 9:10}

A seventh-grade teacher is leaving the profession, maybe to work at Costco (better wages/benefits/conditions … go figure) because most of his students were reading at a fourth-grade level, possibly even lower, yet still getting promoted because, well, reasons. 

Don’t want to make the kid feel dumb altho’ completely, wholly, and entirely undereducated.

Mentioned somewhere around these parts that a student thought he was getting ready to graduate but had only completed enough credits for ninth grade … so at 18, he will be entering the equivalent of his second year of high school.  And his grades weren’t even the worst in his class.

His mother, of course, blamed the educational system and its educators rather than own her failure as a parent … which is why the kid is functioning at a remedial level.


Pick up a book.  Read to the kids.  Check homework.  Meet the teacher.

Children exist because their parents (moms only&alone, in many cases) insisted. 

So do right by them.  Education lasts a lifetime.  Don’t allow ignorance do the same.  {Proverbs 22:6}