To Eat His Own

Found a fun little factoid … seems that back in 1912, the Astors were the wealthiest family in America, and John Jacob Astor was the richiest rich of the lot.

But he died on the Titanic.  Guess money don’t float.

Isidor Straus(s?) and his wife Ida, owners of Macy’s … apparently, he refused to leave the ship while there were still women and children aboard, and she refused to leave her husband.  Rumor has it that Mrs. Straus(s?) ordered her maid onto a lifeboat with a mink coat, quipping that she would not need it anymore.

Same for Benjamin Guggenheim, another Richie Rich, family fortune found buried in the earth, his body never recovered.

All three men were the richest America had to offer, Astor possibly the richest in the world.

And — aside being rich and being dead — what do these three men have in common?

They all died on the Titanic.

Did you know JP Morgan owned the Titanic (via shell corps, but still) and was booked to cruise the Titanic?  And for reasons unknown changed his mind?

Did you know that several crewmembers inexplicably quit right before the ship was to sail?  And that Captain Edward Smith, with his 26 years’ maritime experience, recklessly plowed the Titanic at full speed on a moonless night through the icy waters of the North Atlantic despite being warned (repeatedly) of the danger and the need to slow down?

Know what else Astor, Guggenheim and Straus(s?) had in common?

Opposition to the establishment of the Federal Reserve.  Ahhh, high times, these.

Seems that back in 1910, reps for different rich men (see Rothschilds, Morgans [yes, the same one], Rockefellers) came together on (get this) Jekyll Island in Georgia to discuss (conspire?) the formation of a central bank for the US … seems the US did not have a central bank at the time, and certain powerfully corrupt / corruptly powerful individuals wanted one … ergo, to wit:  the Federal Reserve.

And did you know that the Federal Reserve creates money out of literally nothing then loans that fictional/invented/manifested/conjured(?) money to the US government (neé taxpayers) then charges interest on this conjured cash and collects vast amounts of more (but for real this time) money when the US government (neé taxpayers) cannot repay the principal of the debt.

But Astor, Guggenheim and Straus(s?) believed this was problematic, had seen the damage/danger of such an institution play out in Europe, and they had the power (collectively, about $11B of voting power in today’s dollars per the Supremes in Citizens United) to prevent the establishment of a central bank in the US.

So they all had to die.  Along with about 1,500 in collateral damage.  Means to an end, indeed.

There are solutions, tho’.  Lincoln offered one, Garfield had some thoughts, McKinley was a bit of an innovator, and Kennedy was one smart guy.  All but Kennedy predeceased the Federal Reserve, but each wanted to change US monetary policy.

Lincoln – issued greenbacks to finance the Civil War, finding that government should create, issue and circulate all of the currency needed to finance both governmental and consumer spending

Garfield – believed the government should pay its debts in gold

McKinley – signed legislation to back all US currency with gold

Kennedy – with Executive Order 11110, may have tried to rein in the power of the Federal Reserve by authorizing the Treasury to buy silver and issue silver certificates, which could undermine the value of Federal Reserve notes … maybe

Hmmm … and some folks deride questioning of the narrative as tinfoil thinking.

BUT but, state-chartered, publicly-owned banks could eliminate all of this foolishness … North Dakota did it, and largely escaped the financial damage of the 2008 Great Recession … California and some other states made some noise about establishing their own but all have since gone strangely silent. 

And yet again, GOD told us all this … from CHRIST kicking the moneychangers out of the temple to the specific cautions found in Scripture {1 Timothy 6:10}

See, GOD is outside of time, space, and matter, and HE sees all, has seen it all, and has already seen what’s coming. 

Love of money, indeed. 

And yet it still won’t pay the greatest debt of all.

Wonder who’s really delusional?