The Center Does Not Hold

Need a new fridge.

Well, not really, ‘coz the old one still works, just with problems.

See, one feature of the fridge is an alert — a “ding … ding … ding” — if the door sits open too long.

Well this delightful little feature now ding … ding … dings even when the fridge is closed.  Have to push it hard, in one specific spot, to get it to stop.  Otherwise … ding … ding … ding until someone (me) presses it closed.

Half and theKid?  Totally unbothered.

I, however, can hear that chime on the moon. 
(Which, BTW, humans have never been ‘coz that would have become a multi-naire tourist trap wealth flex … [“Oh yes, this year we have a room reserved on the dark side.  The craters are getting just so plebe.”] and why is there no mining?  So hard doubts all over that.)

Which leads to my point.

Everything manmade will fail.  Gently termed “planned obsolescence” as the friendly fire phrase from corporate.

Back in the dim dark days of early high school I had a teacher who told us about the concept, how prior generations built appliances, cars, and even buildings to last, but somewhere along the way capitalism got involved and discovered that making things to break on schedule was a better business practice, keeps companies profitable and consumers consuming. 

Methinks everyone here, even in the cheap seats, knows that there will be a major malfunction right after the warranty ends.  All by design … masters of mankind, indeed.

But it’s a valuable lesson … do not overvalue “things” and “stuff’ and “goods,” because everything manmade will fail.  Tyler Durden got that right — “The things you own end up owning you.”

Don’t be that guy.

Taught/teaching theKid that lesson, and methinks has been fully learned. 
We’ll see, but promising thus far.

theKid accepts a “no” with equal aplomb (yes I used that word) as a “yes.”

Altho’ there is a current push to have a cell phone [shuddercringe]
In my day we spoke on the phone in the hallway, with a cord.” 

Half is on board.  I want to get off.  The world is moving too fast. 
Can theKid just kid for a little longer?  No?  Well, sigh.

And so begins the never-ending loop of upgrades, latest models, and extended plans.

Sigh and double sigh.

So again, everything manmade will fail.  Even the flesh.  {Gen. 6:3}

Put trust not in the material, but in the eternal.  In CHRIST. {Colossians 3:2}
The debt we owe (but is already paid-HALLELUJAH) to our eternity.

So getting right with the afterlife — ‘coz the soul and spirit are GOD made, not man made — is/should be of primary focus for the meatbox. 

Because when the flesh fails, that which does not goes on. 

And it sure as shootin’ ain’t your heart, Ms. Dion.
(Not to be mean but to be mean but WTELF?  She’s apeing [aping? No] some serious Skeletor vibes these days.  Great voice, one for the ages … hate that song tho’.  On repeat]

And – fun feature – not focusing on purchases of “stuff” keeps the debt monkeys at bay, and the circus under control.

Remember:  “Don’t spend.  If spend, spend wisely.”

Got it. Thanks!