A Flying Building?  Really? 

Well that was entertaining.  But Steve always (well, mostly … almost) is. 
Hearts in Atlantis made no sense.  Anyhoo …

One of the things I like best about Stephen King’s writing is how so many of his protagonists are young boys/men, right on the cusp of adulthood.

Must be some lingering trauma there, but makes for good reads yesyes.

Just finished The Institute, and … well, if you (Other Person, You) are already a fan then would recommend, if just for the nostalgia of being a Gentle Reader.

If not, would recommend something else … spoiler alert!!!:  the levitating building caused some serious side-eye, but otherwise kinda mostly fun.  Felt bad for Avery.  He should’ve have a chance.  But!  Steve ran Gage over with an oil tanker, so there’s that.

Sure, why not.  And then donate, local library or thrift store.  Pay it forward.

Reading – even if the story ain’t perfect – is fundamental.

Speaking of … theKid has to do a book report / second one this year already / and was having fits.

The first book suuuuuuuuucked, and theKid fussed and birched and moaned the entire time.

Hated it.

So this time made sure to choose a story with some action, rather than one with just a funky, semi-cool title.  Actually researched the read before selecting it.

We got Earth vaporized by the sun.  We got vengeful aliens.  We got hero kids saving stupid adults.

All good fun. 

Read to a kid, and instill the love of story.

Teach a kid to read to discover stories to love.