The Silence is Deafening

OK so I’m disturbed.

Read quite a few articles about the … “Random.  Acts.  Perpetrated.  Ex delicto” by Hamas, and boy oh boy the pro-Palestinians are interestingly quiet.

First responders/boots on the ground are reporting mass instances of women … naked and torn from the waist down, children, teens, the elderly …

… pelvises broken from the violence of the assault …

… the insensate body of a young woman (Shani Louk?) splayed in the back of a pickup truck as armed men celebrate …

… the early video of a woman handcuffed with blood soaking the seat of her pants while being led into a waiting vehicle filled with men.  Don’t want to assume, but somehow I don’t think she was on her period, and I also don’t think she wanted to go.

The difference between terrorism and war?  War has rules, and a certain logic to the barbarity.  Terrorism?  Not so much. 

An eyewitness recounts Hamas cutting off a woman’s living breast and throwing it in the street. 

During the Arab Spring some head discussed the reasons for its longevity, why the uprising spread so far and lasted so long … overwhelming numbers of disenfranchised, underemployed young men between the ages of 18 and 30 with inadequate access to women. 

Makes sense.  Ol’ lady five-fingers can only do so much for so long. 

AND, and, there’s rumors that the Catholic Church isn’t the only institution with religious overtones that victimize(s)d children.  In the tradition of another faith, young boys are routinely gifted by their families to be “educated” by older, scholarly men, who supposedly take vows of chastity (and we all know how well that works). 

So when legions of young men, underemployed, underused, overzealous and riding high waves of testosterone without limitation or restraint with unfettered access to females branded as “enemy” and encouraged by their masters to do as thy whilst, the outcome and repercussions are, unfortunately, very predictable.

Umm, Dave?  Where’s that righteous outrage at their actions?  Where’s that platform of condemnation?  The world is castigating Israel for the high civilian deaths without acknowledging that Hamas uses women, children and the elderly as human shields.

Conversely, and this could just be media blackout but methinks not, there are no reports of IDF engaged in similar … “Random.  Acts.  Perpetrated.  Ex delicto” … as they fight to destroy (but will fail … like cutting off a single head of the hydra) Hamas and its leadership.  No / the big complaint is that Israel is not doing more to avoid civilian casualties … but whose fault is that?  The ones attacked and fighting back, or the instigators of war? 

I get that Israel has been practicing apartheid against the Palestinian people for almost a century, I get that, and that’s all around all the way wrong BUT but her wrong does not make them right.  The more radical Islamic nations (is there any other kind? dunno) have vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, so she’s gotta do, what she’s gotta do.

The world was relatively unbothered by the ongoing living/social/economic/political conditions of/in Gaza … now that there’s payback/blowup, commence the wringing of the hands.

The world owes Gaza a debt of compassion, but Israel is not required to pay it. 
{Exodus 14:30}

On this one?  I stand with Israel. 

I say:  Keep fighting, clean of the blood of the innocents, and flooding the tunnels with seawater seems like a really, really good idea. 

Almost biblical, that. 

If only they could use the Red Sea.