Giveth, but Cannot Taketh


Riley Gaines?  You go … woman

Apparently, the CryptKeeper and his woke minions want to change Title IX to force schools receiving federal funds to let TIFs play against actual women in competitive sports.

Umm, no.

Mz. Riley protested the potential policy change at the congressional hearing and was branded as “transphobic” for not wanting to include bio-boys in women’s sports.

Her epic response: “… and ranking member [Summer] Lee, if my testimony makes me transphobic then I believe your opening monologue makes you a misogynist.” Mz. Riley is riledyou go, woman!

Of course, the bitter fruit of wokeness wanted the comment stricken from the record ‘cuz she got owned (altho’ not in the ancestral sense but those lashes still burned) because someone actually responded with words as weapons and didn’t apologize for the truth.

There was a kid on one of theKid’s teams who would constantly mock and ridicule others, making jokes at other kids’ expense, general kid-jerkery, until finally theKid (of course it was my child) made a fat joke (the other kid was fat) along the lines of the other kid not being able to swim in the ocean because all the water splashes out. 

Of course fat kid caught feelings, the parents got involved, and the fat kid quits the team.

Oh well.

Can’t take it?  Don’t give it.

Same same here.  Mz. Riley got thrown some linguistic shade, and she flung that ish right back.

If I’m a transphobe/homophobe, then you’re an abomination.  So there.  Nee-ner.  Nee-ner.
See how the Rainbow Mafia likes being called names. 

And before glitter is thrown in a huff, yes being … alternatively sexed … is problematic, particularly from an adolescent, socio-normative perspective, I get that.  However, all sexual behavior is elective – anyone can be celibate, folks just don’t choose to be that.

And the world adapting/succumbing to mental illness makes the whole world insane.
See: boys are now girls. And vice versa. But not really.

That girl playing the safety position in men’s NCAA football? Just wait. One of those receivers is going to make an example and prove the point. Queue: tears … you can’t hit her like that! she’s just a girl!

So you go, Mz. Riley.  Keep speaking to truth.  Maybe, one day, the ones in/with power will hear it.

Probably not.  {2 Timothy 4:3} But keep on talking. 

Women need you.