Rumor has it, Dave recently went on a rant about Israel’s … shall we say “reaction” ? … in Gaza to the events (atrocities? yeh) of Oct. 7th.

There’s no video — because he doesn’t allow that — but first-person accounts relate that he was of the basic opinion that two wrongs don’t make it right.

Hmmm.  Gotta disagree with you there, Dave.

Will fully admit to a personal status as just another armchair pundit with a minimally-formed opinion, but it seems to me that a people subjected to a living-memory genocide are entitled to go full-on scorched earth when attacked.

Some statistic somewhere said that Israel’s death toll on October 7 (est. 1300) would be the equivalent of 30K (yes, that is thirty thousand) ‘Murrican citizens being murdered in their homes by a foreign invader. 

Imagine the US if China or Russia or even the Saudis had done something similar. 

You thought 9/11’s WMD was bad.  Saddam actually represented stability in that part of the world, been an even hotter mess since they found him in that early grave.  Go figure. 

This isn’t some 19th century atrocity whitewashed (see what I did there heh) in the schoolbooks, but there’s film footage of those folks – GOD’s chosen – being targeted, segregated, and systematically exterminated via the then-current/controlling rule of law.

While the world watched and let it happen.  Heard one of the Bush clan progenitors was a fan, made money off the whole scheme.  Sins of the father, indeed.  {Exodus 34:9}

Hamas hath farted about and found out. 

And Hamas was placed into power via the democratic process … which it promptly ended.  Dating myself here, but I remember Yassif Arafat, couldn’t sleep in the same place two nights in a row for most of his public life.  The PLO are considered too moderate, too conciliatory to the West, so in 2006, the Palestinian people voted in Hamas as the controlling party, and then Hamas promptly ended all elections.


Kind of like what would happen if the Trumpiots put their leader back into power.  When he declares martial law so he can stay in power forever, thus ending the 2 ½ century experiment that was America, then what?  Could anybody really say they were surprised?

Not that I’m comparing the Orange Jesus to Hamas, but the ideologies are disturbingly similar. 

Power, at any and all cost.  {Mark 8:36}
Debt of destruction; destroy the thing you want in order to keep it.

Shudder.  And here comes 2024.