The Single Promise

Pretty sure I saw a guy die on the freeway.

Had just dropped theKid off, heading into the maw of RTO and mildly surprised that the flow of traffic was actually flowing then suddenly it slowed down to a crawl.

Forgot where I heard/read this, but some wise person suggested that when traffic slows/stops, head into the far right lane, which likely moves faster than the other lanes.  Did that.

Anyhoo, traffic slows, highway police sires were whooping it up behind me, and as I’m driving I see this burly guy, like a tall, two-legged keg, running back to his truck and the cop pulling up behind him.  About a car-length up, there’s this little red Miata, airbags deployed, front crumpled, dug into the back of a super duty utility work truck, the kind with an open bed and lockers on the side.

On the ground outside the Miata one guy was performing chest compressions on (what I assume to be) the Miata driver.

I only had a brief glance, but I’m pretty sure the guy on the ground was already dead. 

Somebody pounding on your chest is bound to elicit some sort of reaction and this guy was just limp, his meat going through the motions of physics, nobody home anymore, resident moved out/on.

I did a little research, tried to find some add’l into on the accident but nothing came up.

Guess one guy badly injured/possibly dead during the morning commute isn’t all that newsworthy.


For some reason the incident made me sad.

Not boo-hoo waterworks, but kinda morose.

On the way to work one minute, getting CPR in the next.

But for the grace of GOD, go we.

In Georgia, a woman and her husband?boyfriend?babydaddy? had to suffer through the loss of their newborn son, decapitated during birth.

Apparently, the doctor(?!) applied too much pressure on the boy’s neck trying to … extricate him from his mother’s womb/birth canal and the kid’s head just popped off.

Oh!  And then the coroner posted pics of the baby and his severed head for “research and education.”


The parents, predictably, are suing the Bojangles out of the doc, the hospital, everybody. 
And so they should.

But their kid is still dead, and that one ain’t coming back.  Might have a replacement later, but that one is done.

And yet still … women are fighting for the right to kill their babies, terminate their pregnancies in FESs all over the US … and so they should.

No matter how unplanned or unhealthy or unwanted, the anti-choice/forced-birth crowd insists on compelling women to suffer the pain of childbirth because feelings.

Yes, feelings.  “I believe … [yahdda.  Yahdda].”

As unpleasant/unfortunate/unseemly as it seems, the right not to be pregnant is a fundamental one, and sex does not contain an implicit consent to pregnancy.

Strangely enough, all these abortion bans actually cheapen human life, because it conveys the message:  Life, at any cost.

But life costs.  A lot.  And it has a price tag … almost half a mil in the US for a middle-class upbringing re the latest estimate.  And each new person brought into the world racks up debts simply by existing.

Food.  Clothing.  Shelter.  Healthcare.  Education.  Transportation.  Extracurriculars.

The masters of mankind have made sure to make life cost as much as possible, and require struggle for the mere day-to-day.  Many working folks can’t afford the basics for just one person with a full-time job, not to mention howevermany add’ls, who don’t contribute financially to their own existence.

What is that?

Life is precious, all the moreso when it is coveted, sought, and desired.

A Wisconsin state rep declared that abortion is not health care and he’s a veterinarian so he knows.

Umm.  Pretty sure he just equated human women to livestock.
Umm.  America used to do that as an economic policy / didn’t work out too good.  Just sayin’.

And methinks that while animals do have a form of affection for their young me also thinks that a cow will not commit suicide over the death of her calf.  {Job 39:16}

Each and every abortion restriction casts the woman into the ether … she is a nonfactor, an unentity, an afterthought. 

But at no point during pregnancy does her body stop being hers. 

Yes, she is carrying a new human, in the absolute earliest stages of development.

The pro-choice/pro-abortion argument that it is just a clump of cells, is not human, a zygote-gamete-fetus-whatever … that’s just dumb. 

Of course it’s human.  Sure it’s a baby, a baby in the womb.  But it’s right to be born cannot trump(heh) a woman’s absolute right to her body. 

And life is never guaranteed – eventual death is life’s only promise.  See: the abrupted Miata commute.

A child growing in the womb is either a guest, a visitor, or a trespasser. 

Say the mailman delivers the mail and gets invited in for coffee but then refuses to leave.

Mail delivery – visitor.

Offer of coffee – guest.

Overstayed welcome – trespasser.

In some pregnancies, there was never an invitation.

In some pregnancies, there was an initial invitation but circumstances changed.

Abortion is always horrible, always a tragedy, and always an awful, awful thing … and is the very definition of a necessary evil. 

It is also healthcare, and no individual, no group, and no government enjoys the moral certitude to compel the use of a woman’s body against her will for the benefit of another.

Anything else is just undemocratic.  And morally reprehensible.  And just plain wrong. 

But then again … being undemocratic and morally reprehensible and just plain wrong has never stopped America before. 

She just needed a civil war and the threat of national death to get some act right.

Round two?