Talk Left / Live Right, or What I Said is Not What I Do

Well isn’t that interesting.

Article by Brad Wilcox in the Atlantic discussed a book called, “Get Married,” and how the college-educated espouse alternative family types without actually embracing those alternatives themselves.

Finish education.

Establish career.

Get married.

Have kids. In that order. 

Although those selfsame folks claim bastardizing children is no big deal, they themselves tend not to.

Hmmm … hypocrisy much?

Research after study after report demonstrates that children raised in traditional, supportive two-parent households tend to do best socio-economically and overall.

That boys raised by single moms are more likely to drop out, go to prison, and generally fail at life. 

And girls raised by single mothers are more likely to become babymamas themselves, also thusly failing at life.

And the cycle continues.

Funnily enough, kids raised by single dads? Not so much, with results comparable to two-parent households.

An attempted counterpoint written by a divorced woman raising her kids alone tried to justify the decisions of women raising children alone with her own personal, anecdotal experience.  “… for the first time in my life, I had the space to do the work I loved.” 

Remember: every meme begins with “me me me.”

Uhh, no. 

Every illegitimate kid can’t be LeBron James.  What’s really telling is that he married his babymama (Savannah), made her a wife, legalized their relationship and legitimized his kids. 

Those interviews re his (absent?unknown?missing?) father were just so much cringe
His own mother did that to him. 

Truth?  He had a strong male figure – the coach who originally trained him in basketball — to guide him during his formative years, which really helped to counteract his mother as a … yeah.  

His teammate, tho’?  Really? 

Methinks Mr. James laid a come to JESUS moment all over his mother, told her to either get some act right or a job.  Haven’t heard much from her since … and that’s a good thing.

Anyhoo, looks like those burgeoning mankind masters are telling the plebes one thing and living something else completely different … with totally predictable outcomes. 

Let’s maintain that status quo, shall we?

As long as Marquise and Shonquise and Shaylah and Riader keep reproducing with randoms, little Taekwondavious and Tinderleigh will perpetuate their parents’ (irresponsible/self-destruction much?) lifestyles … and the cycle continues.

Single mothers are the problem.  Single dads, not so much.  Less coddling, more accountability.

I remember shame.  Used to be pretty effective at corralling those cats.

It’s still around but society now calls it “canceling” for unpopular opinions … usually related to opinions re traditional values.

And while the intolerant left is more interested in validating hedonistic choices – “Don’t judge me / this feels good! / it’s not my fault” — and the malignant right wants to inflict a lifetime of personal pain – “45 years for a joint / forced childbirth for all / no gub’mint benefits for you” — there is a conspicuous absence of instruction given to the young re better decision-making at the front end of their lives. 
{Titus 2:2-6}

Rather, it appears the masters of mankind / society at large is leaving it to the parents (grossly unqualified) and social media (RU srs frfr?) … and the cycle continues.

Which is not surprising.

The elders owe(d) a debt to the young that remains unpaid, and the vig just gets bigger and bigger, deeper and deeper.

And it might be too late.  That monkey will just keep eating until we (societal we) can’t afford to feed it anymore.

The movie Idiocracy with the other Wilson brother looks like more predictive programming at this point.

Well-educated and affluent?  One and done.  Maybe.  If she can fit a pregnancy between the rungs of the corporate ladder.

Undereducated wage slave?  Multiple babymamas/daddies and counting. 

There’s a TikThot who celebrates having 11 kids with eight different men.
There’s a former NFL player with 14 kids by eight women in six states.

Right.  Or is it left?

And just how bad it is going to get?

GOD told us it would be horrible, worst ever seen on the earth.

Methinks these generations will see. Woe.