My People

The Fam is back. 

Half returned with theKid, which is nice.  Only been about two months, say 10 weeks, roughly 71 days, but who’s counting?

Would be lying if claimed sleeping in, eating crap, and days to self wasn’t highly, highly enjoyable, but an entire life of that?  No thanks.

And the only reason can say that is seen both sides of the green, green grass.

Was single as an adult.

Now married, mostly adult, and with a kid to boot.

Noticed in their absence, however, that family is expensive.

Methinks me see now why how come DINKs celebrate so hard, and single wo/men even harder.

There is an entire movement on the InstaTik | FaceTok extolling the virtues of child-free/SO-free lifestyles … living you for you, do as thou whilst, as it t’were.

Guess since been both, can see both, and cannot actually say with certainty which is qualitatively better.

Love theKid, unconditionally and with great fear.

Love Half, entirely subject to conditions with trepidation and snide.  {Ephesians 5:23-25}

Would I trade them?  Definitely not theKid, and Half would have to go willingly. 

Enjoyed the time fam-free, but was really for it to end.

Dunno … each to own.

Glad mine’s own returned, tho’.  Totally honest about that.
