Money = Mass, as in accumulation. Or tumor

Shocking confession:  I don’t have savings. {Matt. 25:3}

But Half does, and keeps the family afloat with all that fiscal responsibility.

Me?  Heh.  Just reaping the benefits of marrying a better person.  Hypergamy of the spirit.  Heh.

Dr. Lynn Richardson, one of the intersphere’s financial gurus, discusses the concept “paycheck to paycheck,” and she explains that if you can stretch your paychecks to cover the periods in-between, you’re doing pretty good.  Still awful, but better than most.

Before she got a handle on her monkey she confessed she was living “paycheck to Monday” – paid on Friday, broke by Monday. 

I got that beat. 

I am not “paycheck-to-paycheck,” nor am I “paycheck-to-Monday,” as so aptly described … no, I – a-hem – maintain the lofty position of [drumroll please] …

“Paycheck to parking lot,” meaning the money represented in that check has been distributed to others before I can even leave the building.


Paradigm shift:  I used to not care, and still don’t BUT! shortly after embarking upon the quest to tame & train my monkey, I realized that … by just following one simple step (to wit: stop spending) there occurs an elusive … foreignity, something I have never seen before, something I find almost … alien.

Money … at the end of the month … before the deposit of payroll. 

How strange.  It’s almost as if … not spending … means … there is money … that is … not … spent. 

aHA!hohwow … uh-MAY-zing … Mind.  Blown.  Mouth.  Dropped.  Eyes.  Googly.

Well wouldja look at that!  How … unexpected. 

My debt monkey hasn’t eaten in a bit, not sure exactly when last, but I have discovered my furry smelly simian survives just fine by ignoring it for a bit, and just tossing it the required banana on schedule when it does need to eat.

Mentioned earlier that working with the Credit Circus (à la getting those creditors back to happy) is a step to taming the monkey.  Stopping the spend and massing the money means the monkey misses some meals but HEY! …

I think I could get into the … “swing” of this … bwaHAHAHAHAHA!OKI’llstop 

But the reality of it is … although there is now money = mass (as in accumulation) in that ol’ bank account, that mass belongs to the Credit Circus … already used it … nahHA! … spent that like, oh, elebenty-hunnert days ago, and now …

Gotta catch up. BUT! money = mass (as in accumulation) lets me do just that. And it all started with that perfectly easy first step …

asking GOD! for help, and being ready when He sends it …

GOD! … is … hhhaaawww-sssuuuummm