Not Intergalactic … Interdimensional

We’ve all seen lights in the sky … and it ain’t Aurora Borealis (well maybe SOME of it but not ALL of it continuing)

Apparently, demons and fallen angels are vain.

Who woulda thunk.

Gub’mnt claiming that video of “unexplained aerial phenomenon” is actually inexplicable thus far and there is filmed evidence of transmedium craft (flies through air then into sea without crushing against the waves … like seabirds! Neat)

Also, there’s a repetitive radio burst from deep space – occurs every 16 minutes, like clockwork … the bigbrains don’t know the source but sure would like to find out … Might not be the best idea, but hey, we all got jobs to do

Via his 13th century study of the Book of Genesis, Nachmanides (Jewish scholar) discovered there were 10 dimensions, only four of which were “knowable” by man and the balance the realm of … not man.

David Icke (not “ick” like I thought but “ike” like I like) converses quite rationally about reptilian extra-terrestrials from the lower fourth dimension. I like Icke — he talks about how Princess Diana was a sacrifice (pregnant, too, perhaps … oh my), how the Eiffel Tower and the Washington Monument are obelisks to pagan gods, and the world sucks because they (RETS:4thDim) want it to.

Recently heard that GOD might just use an alien intervention to fool the unwary.  That fits.  {Proverbs 25:2}

Kinda fascinating that since Roswell in 1947’s New Mexico mankind has all sorts of tech advancements … before that, took us 10,000 years to get from the horse to the car.

Top of the food chain, none too bright.

Funnily enough – we can’t even handle all the tech we have now. The coronavirus pandemic originated naturally in Wuhan … where there just happens to be a lab that specialized in bio-weapons … that the Gub’mnt won’t let anyone into … and that had researchers sick in November with something that looks sketchily like the corona … hmmm. I don’t have enough money to buy that.

Stephen King, by the way, is a time-traveller.

He predicted school shootings in “Rage” … plane flying into skyscraper in “The Running Man” and a global pandemic in “The Stand.”

Heard he’s going blind, too … macular degeneration. Maybe sliding through dimensions makes your eyes bad.