How Is This Supposed to Work, Exactly

OK so birth, then what?

I like that scene from Fight Club – OK Dad, now what? – because it perfectly encapsulates the idiocy of modern life.

We seemed to do better when we believed the raging, angry sun/moon/nature gods could only be appeased via fresh blood of girls who knew no man. Ewww

Woman in Arkansas got hit with the xmas lights, moved to the right, flipped on her flashers but apparently took too long to stop, Keeper hits her with a PIT, she loses control/slams into the median/rolls her vehicle …

She’s fine buuuhhhttt she was fertilized at the time, totally all kinds of pregnant, and explained to the Keeper (as she’s upside down) that she was trying to get to the exit, felt there was no safe shoulder space to pull over …

Keeper told her she is to pull over IMMEDIATELY (GETDOWNONTHEGROUNDNOWDON’TMOVELEMMESEEYOURHANDSGETDOWNONTHEGROUNDNOWDON’TMOVELEMMESEEYOURHANDSGETDOWNONTHEGROUNDNOWDON’TMOVELEMMESEEYOURHANDS) although the official-like Gub’mnt rules for life say – during a traffic stop – drivers are to (1) turn on their flashers if there is no safe place to stop. {Mark 12:17}

Hmmm …

I think someone is about to get a brand new car, fabulous home improvements, and a lush retirement plan, all financed by the Gub’mnt.

Don’t get me/we/us wrong … the Keepers of the watch are generally awesome (Officer Garthouse, you will always be a hero), doing a job and getting hated for it has GOT to be hard …

Buuuhhhttt … if the Keepers kept a little more humanity/humility, a little less Cartman, civilians/criminals might be less inclined to dislike so heavily … but. I’m not getting shot at for a paycheck, so there’s that.

Just thoughts