TIFany & TIMithy: All Is Fair

OK welp ladies, looks like you are just going to have to quit. 

Must now walk out on the game you love, quit the possibility of free money for school, forfeit the ability to compete at competitive levels … TRIGGUH

Actual news headline:
Transgenders now dominate women’s sports.

BUUUHHHTTT the Gub’mnt says transgenders can dominate women’s sports (hellooo Title IX, hellooo Civil Rights Act [I do not think that means what I think you think it means]) and the only thing the womens can do about it … is refuse to play with the transgenders. 

How distasteful.  How necessary.

Question:  Why don’t transgenders compete in the Special Olympics?  They are, by definition, “differently abled” so what’s the fuss?

Biology has consequences.  And dissimilarities. 

Yes, the brains can disagree, but [somewhere around here] we have established that even when the brain disagrees, the body always knows the truth.

See, when parents start leagues exclusively for biological females, someone will get all butthurt …

… about it and insist that their transgender child (6’2, 180 @16 because … testosterone and bone density and muscle mass) be allowed to compete and if not YOU’RE A RACIST [I do not think that means what I think you think it means, at least not here] because sexually conflicted TIFany wants to be a part of the group.

No one wants TIFany not to be part of the group, just not that sports group.  ‘Cuz TIFany has different parts, now.  Parts that must be surgically created and medically maintained, but alas, different now, with the verisimilitude of gender but not really ever never ohnoho! the same thing.

Stop the meds and see what happens.  Yah, the body always knows the truth even when the brain disagrees. 

See, totally not a problem for the boys.  If a TIMithy—

Oh and quick def TRIGGUH
TIFany – Transgender Identify Female (bio-male wants cooch & boobs) /
TIMithy — Transgender Identify Male (bio-female wants … double mastectomy and standing piss)
ain’t hate if its true

—wants to play football, the boys will remind TIMithy, forcefully and repeatedly and helmet-to-helmet, that TIMithy does not have natural boy equipment, and TIMithy will likely be carted off the field/court/diamond with wounds and a heavy disinterest in sports, moving forward. 

Ah, well.  Sodom, meet Gomorrah.  “Bring them out to us, that we may know them.”  {Gen.  19:5

GOD did say he would give us over to a reprobate mind.  And here it is.