
Mostly, kids are great.  Mostly. Poopacalypse notwithstanding, those little versions of yourself, walking the earth, mimicking and mocking you, is cool in an indescribable way. 

Only thing—having kids is exactly like having a lot of money.  The fact does not change you, only magnifies who you really are.  And if you do it wrongly bad enough, you end up broke, in jail or dead.

TheKid was a late arrival; not a surprise, exactly … more of an unexpected blessing.  Awesome.  Grades, conduct, attitude … I believe GOD! is trying to get me to understand that HE HAS HOOKED ME UP and to be grateful.  Prayed for a great Half–winning!–prayed for a great theKid–winning! so I need to stop sucking like quicksand and appreciate my life. 

And a big part of gratitude is not letting current money continue to pay for past mistakes. 

Good thing:  theKid is following Half’s money marriage advice, at least … and here we arrive @ money marriage motivation #2. 

Kids are witnesses.  They see more than you think, hear things they should not, interpret words and actions in ways adults cannot understand … a bad day for you is a lifetime memory for them … a nasty, throwaway comment that felt good in the moment has marked them until they die … the child remembers, even if you don’t … always be gentle with your kids.  Even in punishment, even in discipline, & always with an eye towards their heart, not your objective. 

I hope I haven’t broken theKid already, but I worry.  Conflicts with Half around my money marriage have been … persistent over the years, pre-date theKid’s birthdate, so theKid is a new witness to an old routine.  Unfortunately, both Hhalfs of theKid’s Whole are in stoopit battle–which is my fault, and my responsibility to fix.  

I (finally, dumbass) see the impact disrespect of my money marriage has on the really, real world, and the daily-day life, and—far as I know—theKid didn’t ask to be here. 

I love that little replicant [Prov. 17:6], and want only good things.  Setting a better example is an excellent start.

Why’d it take so long?  Never asked GOD! for help before.  Ynorite?  So-dawmb!  Whatever.  Like I said before … I’m slow, but once I get it I got it, and I don’t let go. 

Got some ideas.  Some thoughts and plans and decisions made & to make, and thus far it has been going well.  Next few posts maybe throw some actual figures up for reference/review/ridicule, and just take the hit. 

To reiterate: Whatever – I’m out here now …

So hello, and welcome, and thank you …  I appreciate you being here […?]
                … I appreciate you’re […?] being here […?]
                … I appreciate your […?] being here […?]
             [English makes no sense … “sanction”?  Really?]
                Thanks for stopping by.