The Nihilist Party

L. Ron Hubbard (founder/inventor of Scientology) once said the best way to get rich is to start a religion.

Obviously, the man never met Christ.

The founders of BLM (and no, not the Bureau of Land Management) recently purchased a $6M parcel of luxury LA real estate as a … wait for it … “campus.”  School for wat.  Apparently, at the end of 2020, BLM had $60M in its bank account with no actual leadership but expenses right around $9M, so who signed the checks?  {1 Tim. 6:10}

Yeh, right.  California DOJ is taking a real hard look at that. 

So, maybe, establish a social justice org née political party in today’s world is the path to real wealth.

I vote for the Nihilist Party.

We’re all doomed.  There is no point.  Climate change is irreversible.  Stop having babies.  We’re all going to starve and die of heat stroke or drown in a flood. 

Tagline/motto/creed:  Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow … is gonna be worse.   

There was a point in time I felt smug re being unbred.  TheKid killed that.  Not on purpose – Half did that – but giving some additional thought to the whole reproductive experiment would have been wiser.

Before theKid, there was that 2011 earthquake/tsunami/ongoing nuclear catastrophe in Japan … and I should have taken the hint.  BUT but … Half wanted a kid so theKid was born. Not that I regret theKid – theKid is AWESOME, smart, funny, talented, attractive, sarcastic (ya don’t say) – theKid is the best thing I’ve ever been a part of … but theKid is also maudlin and depressed, as if theKid knows what the future will be/look like, and is not pleased … or hopeful. 

I’m very sad about that. 

ButBUT … nevertheless, despite, regardless, must make the best of a hopeless situation.  Dr. Jordan P quoted someone else who said life is nothing more than a sexually transmitted disease with 100-percent mortality rate.  (Test tube babies?  Anyone?  Anyone? [crickets])

So why do humans breed?

Oh, that’s right.

We’re stupid.  And selfish.  And vain.  And hopelessly optimistic.  I’m still looking for that last one.

Methinks the lesson of life that GOD is trying to teach is that – in spite of the odds (i.e., inevitable death), we need to do the best we can with what we’ve got for as long as we’re able.

That, I can work with.  ON TO DEBT SATISFACTION (huzzah! wat)