Happy Nutday!

Sooo … I’m supposing, depending on the state of the vessel, the actual birth day is of no significance. Fertilized and done.

There is/was a young woman in Texas who had charges brought then dismissed for “self-induced abortion.” 

Apparently, she tried to end her pregnancy without experiencing birth or the permission of the state.

Guess you don’t have to actually breathe to live, just be tangentially alive … a gestational amoeba. 

Funnily, GOD has an answer for that too, and methinks the anti-choicers are purposefully reading it wrong {Gen. 2:7; Exodus 21:22} (‘cuz let’s face it – the mistress gets knocked up that almost-kid gets Dyson’d doublequick). 

And Oklahoma just recently outlawed abortion outright. 

Welcome (back) to chattel slavery.

Now, admittedly, this isn’t a problem I have, no “skin” in the game if you will (if I may be permitted a petite bon mot, eh-heh) but from the outside looking in … is there a time period in pregnancy when the body stops being, like, hers? 

I get that a potential person is using it, but … why can’t she? 

It’s almost as if some of these legislatures believe that – as a result of pregnancy – a woman is nothing more than an ambulatory womb, an incubating vessel.

Well, that sucks.  To be imprisoned by one’s fertility. 

Now my two cents (should put those towards debt satisfaction DIGRESS) a woman should not lose her legal autonomy in the absence of a crime—oh wait … maybe abortion laws are actually intended as punishment for women who don’t want a child or his child or another child or that child … hmmm, but what makes this life so great?

AND, and, it isn’t as if children can be raised free-range … just let ‘em forage and drink rainwater (does Texas even get that anymore?), slathered in mud and covered with animal skins.  I mean, they’d probably like that but infant mortality would rise a bit precipitously and you think CPS is understaffed now, hoo-boy. 

Kids are expensive … pricey little debt machines for 20 years or so, maybe longer, depending on the level/extent of parental enabling. 

AND, and, it isn’t as if the legislatures in these forward-thinking states are fully-funding public education, comprehensive healthcare, and a living wage oh-ho-ho-no to that foolishness. 

If young ladies need only keep an aspirin between the knees, young gentlemen can keep the Good Book on their laps.  Save the naughty bits for the marital bed, you horny little imps.

Funnily too though, there does not seem to be any exclusion amongst these abortion laws for married couples – that good ol’ venerated and pedestalized tradition of man and wife – to make decisions re family about family. 

Seems like the marrieds also would have to take an abortion vacation just like the whoreslut harlot tramps.

Inconsistent hypocritical interference into the sanctity of marriage?  Anyone?  Anyone?  [crickets]

Truth is … not everyone is equipped to be a parent, and only those so unqualified would know. 

See, when a 13-month-old is found starved to death in a closet, covered in feces and roach dust, queue the pearl-clutching.  And not every mother can just give away her child to be raised by strangers … that takes a strength and cruelty that is lacking in most. 

Even some adoptees are pro-choice.

What/how about letting folks make those decisions for themselves, and politicians can stick to fixing potholes. There are enough of those, right?