Virgins and goats

Today is a day of total joyful celebration, and has absolutely nothing to do with Easter eggs, jelly beans, and giant rabbits. (Did you know?  Fun fact — the dyeing [englishmakesnosense] of Easter eggs actually began with the pagan worship of Ishtar, and the paint used was the blood of infants sacrificed?  digress, kinda)

Nope.  Today is the day the Lord fulfilled His Promise, and rose after three days in the grave to prove that He is the Son of God. 

How cool is that, and how great is He.  (grins foolishly)

Listened to the Book of Matthew this morning (there’s a app for that) and was reminded of the parable of the ten virgins, and the separation of the sheep from the goats … sheep to the right, goats on the left.  {Matt. 25}

See, none of the virgins knew when the Bridegroom would come, but they were supposed to be ready, regardless.  And to get ready, each virgin needed to be prepared with oil for their lamps so they could light the way when the Bridegroom finally arrived.  Five had oil and five didn’t, and the five that got caught unawares were left out in the cold.

Methinks the oil is faith, and you either have it or you don’t. 

No virgins over here (oh-ho-ho those days are gone) but I do have plenty of oil … (grins foolishly)

Witnessed a true Trump supporter (no judgment) being interviewed, and this lovely lady referenced the sheep and the goats, and when the interviewer asked her which she was, she proudly proclaimed that she was a goat … methinks she knows not that of which she speaks. 

See, Christ explained that all nations shall be divided, as a shepherd divides his sheep from his goats.  And the sheep tended to the others of the flock, but the goats couldn’t be bothered. 

Methinks modern society’s habit of declaring certain individuals “the goat” is just more of the devil getting another laugh at our expense.

After all, Baphomet is transgender.