Well This Could Be Interesting

Recently received a letter from an actual lawyer not too long ago.

Apparently, the creditor behind Years of Monkey Play (á la $23K) would like some of the money back that I/me/we borrowed via overextended/overburdened credit card …

Well, pffft all over that.

Not really but kind of.

See, if I’d had my money epiphany 20 years ago (i.e., “Don’t Spend / 7Qs”), this would not be a thing.  There would be no there, there.

However … nevertheless … despite … notwithstanding … whatever.  You (Other Person You) get the drift.  Piper must be paid.  (Did you see her in the real “Carrie”?  Her death scene was uh-may-hay-zing … so much so it now gets edited out — 1976 movie trivia digress)

Attempted the ol’ debt settlement wisdom of deny-deny-deny — not my debt, don’t know about these charges, why are you calling me — then subsequently received every statement from 2008, so feeling a bit slapped.  Deservedly so but still.

Last communication?  Asked for a reasonable debt settlement / a-HEM / debt satisfaction amount. 

Per the wisdom of the innernets, this particular creditor (That Which Shall Not Be Named) is supposed to be fairly easy to negotiate with, so here’s hoping for an affordable outcome / to be continued …

We’ll see how this debt satisfaction thing works out.  More to come, when it gets here.