Will They Never Learn?  Will I?

Wanna hear something funny?

I mean … laugh out loud—slap a thigh—wheeze-breathe hilarious?

Got approved for another credit card.  Arrived in the mail today.

HAH!  $5K.  With a 29.47-percent interest rate.  HAH! 

Proof-positive that SOMEbody SOMEwhere will extend credit to even the most spendthrift, financially-irresponsible among us [imposter]. 

Gonna cost ya, but it’s there.  Half’s highest interest rate is, like, 4 percent.  Really.  And Half carries a balance for maybe three months/tops/then pays it off. 

Will I use it?  Probably … not.

Well maybe but just for gas BECAUSE IT’S A MILLION DOLLARS TO FILL THE TANK but if I do I’ll/we’ll/me’ll pay it off every month.  Life is expensive.

BUT!  The lesson has been learned.  Debt, like hellfire, burns, and the hand mere flesh.  {Matt. 10:28}

AND and this is more proof positive that the masters of mankind/the Matrix(?) are dedicated … dare I say endeavored … to keep the masses churning under the burden of debt.

There is no way on the Lord’s beautiful yet devastated green plastic-covered earth that I should be extended any credit, in any form, for the rest of my life.

I should be relegated to cash and carry … bank balance only … money in hand. 

But I am not.

And while everyone was distracted with Robert Neville b-slapping Kurt McKenzie during Hollyweird’s annual circle jerk, the World Government Summit 2022 announced that the future of the financial economy is digital currency … every transaction tracked, logged, noted. 

Welcome to the Mark.  {Revelation 13:16}

Here, have another credit card.