Got ‘Er Duhn, or more commonly WHERE’S MY SEX ROBOT

Whelp, looks like the Trumpiots finally got (in?) their way.

Generally unsurprising, what with two (count ‘em – two) alleged sexual predators with lifetime appointments sitting on the bench.

Can’t say one is even mildly surprised.

What with the staggering hypocrisy of the so-called conservatives (here’s looking at you, Mitchy!) and the strident befuddlement of the woke left … no real surprise at the mental state of the nation.

Good thing, tho’ … people can stop venerating the Supremes … nothing but another group of partisan political hacks with too much power and not enough thought. 

Maybe high time to put a bridle on that wild horse … but methinks it has already left the barn. 

Somewhere along these parts may have mentioned a fondness (shall we say, affinity?) for the MGTOW movement … good idea, long past due. 

With the Supremes gutting precedent they find icky, perhaps the females need something similar, because the fundamental uncomfortable truth is, whilst Jho might sang (is that what they called it?) Love Don’t Cost A Thing, the consequences of that love (ergo, kids) actually does.  A lot.  Middle-class?  Almost half a mil from birth to 18, and that’s not including tuition (private school, prep courses, college ad nauseum) …

Just about impossible to get/stay out of debt with the cost of raising a child so high … and I hazen’t seen any offers of fully-subsidized child care, five years of gov’t-paid parental leave, or maxed-out funding for public schools … not exactly sure what a poor pregnant chick is to do. 

Methinks that since pregnancy does not require consent, participation, or even consciousness, the only way fertile women can ensure bodily autonomy is via sterilization …. A more radical, modern-day Lysistrata … cut the tubes, burn the ends, go live that best life. 

Women Against Reproduction …. This means WAR.

Recent reddit post?  The very folks this stupid, stupid decision seeks to force into birth are those same lovely ladies seriously considering canceling the possibility.  Educated white women. Oh what to do! There’s a doctor in Florida offering sterilization to anyone of legal age who wants it, and will help those seeking the procedure find a provider in other states.  Just sayin’.

(JAAA — Elon, Bill, Jeff and Mark should pool their substantial pennies and offer to pay the cost for any person (male, female, other) who seeks voluntarily sterilization … ACA requires private insurance to cover tubals, most insurance will cover at least some of the cost of a vaseck … just mindsnacks for the disgruntled masses … in this political climate, might be a winning platform.)

Freakonomics (great read, BTW) provided a stat that crime rates in the 90’s dropped precipitously … likely due to women aborting pregnancies of children unwanted/unplanned beginning in ’73 … what’s that old trope about the law of unintended consequences?  Methinks those anti-choice legislators will find reactionary moral certitude has a high tax bill, and an even higher social cost.

And for those standing on the Bible to protest abortion?  {Exodus 21:22; Eccl. 11:5}  Divorce is a no-no as well but since men have hardened their hearts, Moses provided an out.  {Matthew 19:8

No man should be sexy-timing any woman not his wife – solves the whole fornication quandary raht thar. 

What a horrible time to be a fertile woman.