Bulletsponge Babies

It may be time to simply admit that this is who, what, where, why, and how we are as a nation.

Sacrificing children to the flames of Baal … gunfire, you see.  {Jer. 32:35}

I should start a crime scene cleaning company, call it Thoughts & Prayers, because that’s the extent of our commitment to stopping this foolishness. (‘Murricah! Truck Yeh!)

TeddyBear Cruise, offending state senator, suggests turning schools into prisons, and some other batwing offered ballistic blankets for the children to hang over windows and doors, rather than those pointless toys and games at Christmas.  Nice.

No one is putting up the real solution — just arm the kids.  Backpacks, books, and bullets … Glocks and blocks … Tech-9s at naptime … we should be the trendsetters in education. 

At a gun show recently (yeh, I’m wunna dem) there was a vendor selling bulletproof (well that depends on the bullet, doanit?) backpacks and jackets for kids.  Not a bad idea, considering our country. 

Back in what, ’93?, the Dums (oops, I meant the Dems) passed sweeping gun control reform (á la the Brady bill) and got swept out in the ’94 midterms (Newt executed his Contract on America) so ‘Murricans don’t really want gun reform, and besides … guns rhymes with funs, and gun laws tend to restrict lawful owners.  Only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a badder guy with a bigger gun.  Heh.

Libs like to throw up stats re other countries’ responses to gun massacres (bans, confiscations, mandatory buybacks, psss-shah!) and the corresponding reduction in gun-related deaths.

Correlation is not causation … maybe gun deaths would have gone down anyway! Prove me wrong!!! Besides, America is just better, because free. All those other countries are just socialist cesspools, what with all their free healthcare and saved lives. Forget that! ‘Murricah! Truck Yeh!

But an American Autobahn would be highly cool. The Germans got that right.

The 2nd Amendment guarantees me tanks, RPGs, and hand grenades … after all, a well-regulated militia is just folks, and I qualify as “the people.”  So where’s my streetsweeper with 1000-round drum?

Home defense, and … bears.  And zombie apocalypses. Not every shot can be a killshot. Needs rounds.