Women: Can’t Live With ‘Em, Can’t Bury ‘Em Out Back

Might be a little late to this (surprisenot) but one of the favorite people I didn’t know died recently, reportedly of a massive heart attack, perhaps even in flagrante delicto … globulos exposite, as it (maybe) were.

The really offensive yet wholly unsurprising aspect of his death was the reaction of so many of the types of women he tried to help. 

I liked the guy, thought he was smart, funny, deh-boh-nair, and knew his audience.  Told a basic chick a basic fact — that she was average at best — and his entire world blew up. 

And the truth shall set you free. 

Told another modest young woman who claimed to be a 10 that she most certainly was not. 

In my ugly opinion she looked more frog than princess.  Very unfortunately faced but tried to manifest herself into the same category as a Marilyn Monroe yehrightno

Methinks that the current state of human affairs is designed to get worse — selfie is culture, with an actual monument in Texas (ah-hem!) … Carlin had an entire schtick about how badly people suck, and he’s been dead almost 15 years. 

In that short period of time (consider:  I am old) how much worse have people become, and I shudder (with laughter, a’cours) at what he’d say about the modern homo meo.

And it’s all women’s fault.  Because men let them.  {2 Tim. 3:6}

I saw an article not too long ago in which a youngish woman lamented the modern state of dating, and while she professed to be a feminist she still wanted to be approached and pursued and courted, whereas today’s modern #MeToo man knows the pitfalls of that, and has become wary, rightfully so.

It’s not sexual harassment if he’s cute (titter).

[Interlude:  I want to send a “shout out!” to Half for tolerating me lo these many years,
and I sincerely pray that Half does not cast me back into the den of wolves/thieves/vipers. 
Amen to that and thank You JESUS.  Continuing.]

In sum, many young men are … eschewing marriage, ‘cuz they can get the box without the ring.  (heh)

Which is really, really smart.  Best way to stay out of debt?  Live below your means, and best way to do that is to care only for yourself, because women and children cost

Honestly?  These last 50 years men have failed to lead, and in the absence of traditional consequences women just did whatever, whenever, with whomever, without acceptance or recognition of the fact that rights come with responsibilities, and one does not exist without the other …
(Her Body Her Choice / His Wallet His Decision — DAAAAVE!!!)

Child support can be a nearly 20-year investment with negligible ROI, and alimony can last until she dies. 

The physically intact, 19-YO human male is a beast, ideally focused on building his body, his bank, and his brand, and should concern himself not with the Carousel Kates and the Bipolar Beccas … multiple Megs will still be available (if he’s into that) and a younger, fertile version of her will be ready and waiting to be rescued from her life once he’s living his best.

The advice I would give to younger me?  Hermit, living box, and rice.  And eggs. Gotta have eggs. But I don’t need that, or that.  Or that, for that matter. May not be a very fulfilling life, but this too shall pass.

Modern man’s potentially viable alternative?  Beautiful refugee, compliant and grateful.  With a choice between Rocco Siffredi and some American slob with a Roth, I believe most desperate women would choose boredom over adult diapers. 

But maybe I’m projecting; I would never venture the womanish mind.  Here there be monsters.

Morale of the story?  The modern woman is a modified damsel in distress, tied to the tracks of student loan debt, loneliness, and poor choices. 

Captain Save A Who?