Kill ‘Em After

I/we/me must agree that the Supremes got some of ‘em right.

Somewheres amongst these ramblings is a brief comment on the federal judiciary intentionally misreading the 2nd Amendment … disregarding those pesky commas.

Whelp, in that liberal haven of hate that is NYC, folks can carry concealed for any non-prohibited reason.  Now if you tell the local authorities that you plan to send a few through the ol’ ex’s noggin, I think even this version of the Supremes would find it reasonable to disallow, but everything else is on the table.

Strict constructionists, indeed.

Gimme mah street-sweeper, 1000 round.  Need it for home defense. And hunt’n.

Plus, it’s cool.

Scott@Kentucky Ballistics is finally going to get some real competition.  The zombie bod is totally rad, tho’ … must say: that is one neat idea.

Also also, that Washington football coach can pray on the 50-yard line under the 1st Amendment, and taxpayers must subsidize tuition at religious schools the same as secular institutions … can’t curtail religious speech either.

Nicely done, Supremes.  Can’t wait for satanists — ‘do what that whilst’ oh yes — to apply for state school funding.  Believe you me oh yes that is coming that is on. The. Way.

Anyhoo, since abortion rights are not explicitly laid out constitutionally then that whole gay “marriage” thing can go next, along with contraception (moar bebbies), the right to sodomize one’s partner, and interracial marriage, ‘cuz nothing in the Constitution about that and those either. 

Clarence is just gonna have to get his hands off’n his white woman.  {Prov. 23:27}

While we’re at it, no constitutional basis for Brown v. Board of Ed either … separate is not inherently unequal thankyouverymuch (see: public bathrooms) the problem with segregation was the implementation and whites’ single-minded focus on “separate” coupled to a total disregard of “equal.” 

Needed to have separate executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government, rather than white people controlling it for everyone. 

All of private industry can discriminate as it chooses, which will force all the ice cream flavors of man to get their stuff together on a communal basis … or perish.

Let white people white, and nonwhites can … go do them.  See? Problem solved. 

Tearing down the pillars of democracy is actually kind of fun!  Can’t wait to see what’s next. 

‘Cuz these guys are killin’ it.