Soil & Water

I knew I didn’t need to worry about it! Debt concerns are so cliché passé …

Found a fun little sciencey fact …in about, oh say, 60 years the human population will starve to death, or turn Soylent Green, because the dirt in which we grow our food won’t have enough nutrients in it to make the food grown sustainable for life. Oops.

Or, or, because we humans like to plan for the future (NOT!) the aquifers (the real in-ground pools) will be drained dry, there is no back up, more sink holes will form, and we’ll all die of dehydration.

Could never tell how people survived in Book of Eli.  The town pump (heh) ain’t gonna cut it. 

Nicely done, and well, third horseman.  {Rev. 6:6 … how apt}

Anyhoo, I do lament for theKid, because in 50-60 years theKid will still be young enough for life to matter.  By that time me will be so much rot and ruin (great series, BTW … catch that Maberry if you can) that I could not care any less about any other thing. 

‘Cept maybe theKid.

I will mourn theKid in my grave.  We all are our parents’ worst/best mistake.  (sigh)

Anyhoo, it amazes me what we (the species we) decide to focus on, and what we decide to ignore.

Although the big brains probably won’t/can’t admit it, we (the species we) are already past the point of no return … the fail safe line has been crossed … and it’s just a matter of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and moments until the last human takes its last gasp and we (the species we) are officially done.

Sad, but not really.  After all — everything man made will fail, including man born of woman, and GOD planned our own obsolescence. {Gen. 6:3}

I suppose the message in the meantime is hold your kids a little longer, hug them a little more, show affection to your spouse on the daily, and keep CHRIST in your heart. 

Love GOD with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength,
and love your neighbor as you love yourself.  {Mark 12:30-31}

Maybe that’s the problem … we (the species we) are loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, which explains why there’s so much hate in the world. 

Selfies notwithstanding, love of self has been replaced with love of wealth … which likely answers the “why” of the current world. 
