And The End Continues …

This is beautiful.

Wisconsin is a right-to-work state (thank you, Scott Walker), meaning anybody can be fired for any reason (few exceptions) without explanation, notice, or recourse.

So, back in January 2022 a hospital system in Wisconsin (Hospital #Dumb) lost a high number of employees to a local competitor (Hospital #Yes) … better pay, better benefits, better work/life balance.

Rather than match the offers from Hospital #Yes, Hospital #Dumb waits until a few days before its former employees are set to leave and files suit to prevent its former employees from starting work at Hospital #Yes, getting the judge to approve an injunction (former employees can’t become new employees) so Hospital #Dumb prevents former employees from starting work at Hospital #Yes and those selfsame employees have quit/don’t want to work for Hospital #Dumb.

Hospital #Dumb argues that patient care will be impacted if former employees go work for Hospital #Yes … but they no longer work for Hospital #Dumb, can’t work for Hospital #Yes, so patient care is impacted anyway … soooo …

And the judge signed off on this mess. 

The injunction was issued on a Friday, lifted on Monday, but the beauty/beast is that a big employer got hit square in the face with the impact of the free market coupled with right-to-work employment that actually benefitted employees/laborers/ah-hem the common man, and rather than engage the market, it sought the help (interference?) of the courts.

Once again, those in power will shelter those in power, even if it’s temporary, and disregard the consequence/detriment to the ordinary person most likely to suffer the worst effects. 
{Haggai 1:6}

Methinks back to the Statute of Laborers post-Black (thass ray-sis!) Plague … Not that I’m a socialist – heavens no! never that … power corrupts/(fear of loss of) absolute power corrupts absolutely – but I would like to see capitalism, supply&demand, actually work in the way it is marketed to the masses.

Masters of mankind, indeed.  I suppose the rich could be eaten, but are they gluten-free?