Is It Though?  Is It Really?

Having a bit of existential ennui, thought I might share.

Of late, seems that the world has lost its mind a bit more than usual, or perhaps — after 200 years — modern civilization is just in a rapid state of mental decline.

Read an article recently (I should stop doing that) about pregnant women in Missouri being unable to file for divorce because support issues cannot be resolved until a child is born … because the unborn are not people. 

Wait wat

Missouri also says that an enwombed embryo or fetus cannot be removed from said womb unless the wom(b)an experiences a medical emergency … which is to be determined by the medical provider and, presumably, the wom(b)an.  If she decides to forego treatment for aforementioned medical emergency, well then what better way for a wom(b)an to die than for the life of her unlifed child. 

Or wait/horrorthought – could she be forced to terminate the pregnancy if she refuses medical treatment to save her life?  After all, in female enslavement states, pregnant wom(b)en obviously lack decisional capacity.

Misery in Missouri.

I’m so confused.

What I haven’t seen in the FES is a serious, legislative push for any effective remedies from the consequences of unwanted, unplanned, and/or unhealthy children …

…  universal, single-payer health care …

… five years’ paid parental leave …

… subsidized child care …

Hellsbells the public school systems in many states are prevented from teaching American history from a factual perspective (yes, white people did do all that … eww) because fee-lings and the foster care system is replete with accounts of children being exploited-abused-murdered while their social workers file official reports documenting that the dead children are just fine and thriving in their new homes. 
Well, hello Florida.


And here we have men who want to force more people to ride this train of social dysfunction because life is precious.  As long as it hasn’t been born.  Then, well, then baby … you’re on your own. 

A homeless woman is under arrest because her newborn was found dead in a tent after she sought medical help at a local hospital.  Homeless, pregnant, and disregarded … until she needed to be charged with a crime.

Do we owe a debt to each other?  Are we our brothers/sisters’ keepers?  Guess not.

Which brings me to a point, of sorts.

Is life actually worth living? 

Hear me out, seriously …

If you were a miscarriage or an abortion, would you know?

Because the unborn are without understanding, and JESUS told that one guy who died unborn babies just get back in line for another shot at life, sooooooo …

Is life really so great that you would regret not living it?

Because there is a very real possibility of a life burdened with homelessness or mental illness or impoverishment or unrelenting job grind or insurmountable debt burden or myriad other issues that suck any joy right out of existence.

Which is purposeful … like, on purpose.  Intentional.  See:  masters of mankind
“And the life of man … solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” — Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651)

So, my point.  Is life really worth living?  What makes it worth it?  Family?  Friends?  Kids? 
Burdening others with your burden?  Seems a bit tautological. 

Because money can’t buy happiness; it just gives comfort to the misery.

Not talking suicide, but the one wish guaranteed to be granted in this life is death — none of us get out alive — but to force life on another person because … ?  The possibility of nonexistence is frightening to those that exist? 

Pre/un/non-born wombary existence isn’t death because that life is not yet living, never held the breath of life {Gen. 2:7} …

(Textbook statute re homicide:  when a newborn is found dead, an autopsy is performed …
              air in the lungs, living birth = murder;
              no air in the lungs, stillbirth = unlawful disposal of human remains
              … not sure how the FES are going to work that one out/am sure neither are they heht stoopit) 

And if a person is more evolutionarily-inclined (how,tho’?  See irreducible complexity and 2nd law of thermodynamics duh) then existence itself is just an accidental clash of chaos and random cell mesh and thus meaningless outside the meaning artificially assigned, sooooooo … still misunderstanding the real intent, there.

Still love theKid — whatever that means — but we are all our parents’ worst/best mistakes. 

Guess the Nihilism Party has a new platform.  Party logo?  The Grim Reaper