End of Month

Well that was a bummer … onto debt!

May have mentioned around these parts that Half and the other half have an … untraditionally traditional lifestyle. 

See, Half handles the life/life-sustaining obligations (mortgage, lights, heat, cable/internet — which, funnily enough, is the highest bill after shelter … go figure who knew) and me, the other half, is responsible for everything else … mainly, gas & groceries … and pet care … and car stuff … and crucial theKid stuff, etc., etc. 

As dysfunctional as it is, it works.  For us, anyways. 

So, to get an idea of what the other half is actually spending, July was spent retaining receipts for, well, everything.  Fun little exercise there (not).  Care to join?  Yes?  Good.  No?  By-yeeeeeeeeee

Here look:  a chart, to peruse

Whew.  Pretty sure that’s all of it but not quite ‘coz there are school supplies on A↔Z but that’s CREDIT (!!!AHAHAHAHHAHA!!!) but we’ll pay that off in a chunk, mostly, next month so it doesn’t count.  Yet.

AND and the truck needed … stuff … so that $900 was a bit of an outlier … but not really ‘coz while all the veeks are paid off (yeh-heah!) they’re also all old (pre-20’s) so gotta maintain the maintenance.

Still cheaper than a new car so yeh-heah! all over and up in that.

AND And and that $6800 was for an aged, demented parent who needed some … so that too was an outlier, going to get that back … one day maybe, perhaps.


Now with full, total, and absolute disclosure – it’s really, really hard to maintain a spending plan with a kid, particularly theKid … the $500 of Rando was spending on theKid.  BUT but it’s entirely doable / just must get theKid involved in the process, and remember to ask the 7 Q’s before spending, even on theKid/kids.

One wise move?  Have a specific spending plan for the child(ren), say … $100 or $250 or $1000 that will be used solely for stuff the child(ren) want/need/bug for … 7 Q’s still apply, but just got to ask theKid/kids those questions.  {Prov. 29:15}

See?  Still works, just must work more.