Liz for Prez

Liz Cheney just got fired … for standing up to the nonsense. 

Guess some folks (particularly those in Wyoming – go figure) would rather live a lie than accept the truth. 

Trump lost, for heavens’ sake, and he’s such a manbaby that he cannot accept the reality of his unpopularity  … I mean, when 80 million people share an unfavorable opinion of you, that’s got to sting. 

Trumpiots will always ride with him, right along with him in his handbasket … all the way down.  Methinks, however, the Dumbocrats shewed their true dysfunction by letting Merrick (who names their kid Merrick, really? really) execute the warrant on Mar-A-Lago before the Wyo primo … Things were looking bad for Liz, but methinks the FBI raid pretty much sealed the deal.

Should have been like China telling Russia not to invade Ukrainianisms until after the Olympics … optics, after all, are key.

But, the proof is in the pudding, and this tapioca is sourbitterna-ha-ha-sty.

We all owe her a debt for taking the hit … sticking to the truth, resting on the facts, and accepting the outcome. Good on her. And her concession speech was textbook class … one (of the many) thing(s) Potato Don lacks entirely.

One good thing, tho’. 

Liz Cheney is now free to run for president in 2024, be the Trump spoiler and split the Rethuglican vote. 

Beautiful.  Lincoln Republicans v. the Trumpiots … finish him!

Oh, this will be fun.  {Proverbs 3:31}