Not Only in Florida

Down in ‘Murrica’s DownUnder (oh, Florida) a parentless, jobless, spouseless 16-year-old girl who was mature enough to petition the court for an abortion was denied permission to get one because she wasn’t sufficiently mature to make the decision to terminate her pregnancy. 

Making her a mom seems to be the right call. 

The wizened court minds down there denied another girl permission to terminate her pregnancy because her grades were too low.

Sounds about right.

Methinks I figured it out, though.

The red-state courts have a bilateral intention with these decisions.

One – force poor hoebags to stop being poor hoebags … Can’t terminate?  Don’t fornicate.
(rich hoebags always keep (have kept) the option … Stark is the difference between a benefactor and a babydaddy … “Winter is coming” / Winter is here)

Two – increase populations for prisons and the military
(again the rich don’t go to jail or war … just build ‘em and make ‘em)

Peter Lucido, prosecutor in Michigan, lifelong Catholic and fervent anti-choice politician, believes there should be no exceptions … not rape, not incest, not life of the mother … full stop.

I like him.  What better way for a woman to die than in the process of growing new life?  Says he’s only following state law and of course his personal views don’t affect his enforcement. 

Can’t wait for him to start arresting adulterers.  {Exodus 20:14} … MCL §§ 750.29, 750.30