Road Less Traveled

I don’t actually hate my job; I just hate having to do it.  If I could get a do-over, that’d be great.

Methinks I’m more “black nails” than “white collar,” but me Elder insisted on formalized schoolin’, so here I be.

Should have been an auto mechanic.  Or a doctor, with a specialty in sterilization.  Something functional. 

Pushing paper is much less satisfying, but it keeps the fam in healthcare.

And why is it that ‘Murricans can’t buy health insurance just like any other?  Can shop for different coverages for cars, homes and contents, life, boats … J.Hole supposedly insured her butt, Vanna White her legs (who? yeh)  Why not body insurance?  For when something breaks? 

Guess that would make sense socan’thavethat!!!

Read … something … somewhere …  that part of FDR’s New Deal (wat? go look it up) after WWII (wat? go look it up — Einstein said the next one would be last one but he also admitted he got some of that sciency stuff wrong so there’s that but I don’t think this anyhoo) the Gub’mint asked employers to offer health insurance with employment, and that’s the system we have. 

Not portable, can’t take it from job to job, but … retirement accounts yes, so there’s something, I guess?

Read another something … somewhere … that one of the reasons healthcare costs so much is because the marketplace is all over the place.  A procedure might cost this amount over there at that facility but the identical procedure will cost those amounts right here at this other place.  So buncha doctors create the Health Care Blue Book to standardize medical costs and bring sanity to healthcare billing practices, which totally makes sense butcan’thavethat!!!  {Ecclesiastes 10:1}

Instead, and here’s a really good idea (not—masters of mankind, in effect), hospitals now have these obstetric outpatient facilities, kind of like an ER but not really, where women (yes women and only women, with the occasional pregnant girl shudder) in the early stages of labor go to get checked out and either sent back home to wait for more labor or shipped upstairs for birth.

Well, apparently, the women (yes women and only women) are getting bills from these OB/ERs for emergency care, regardless of the state of their pregnancy.  Total revenue mill, making bucks off’n these babies.

As a society, we are damned.  But that might be the point.

Not me, though, or Half, or theKid.  Washed in the BLOOD.  Oh yesss moving on

And the really comical thing is that if women (yes women and only women) know what to look for on the bill, they can sometimes argue these charges away.  AND and if the insurance companies don’t want to pay these OB/ER charges they don’t, because corporate reasons.

Methinks me suppose that’s another reason abortion is so controversial.  Cuts the money off, and most women (yes women and only women) pay cash at the clinics. 

I coulda been a contendah. Do abortion clinics take credit cards?